Wednesday 1 December 2021

Elton John - All about him

 The past few weeks I have done a ton of research about Elton John, the musician, father and more. We had to arrange all our information into a DLO, I chose a slideshow on Canva. I learnt heaps of new stuff about him and I hope you do to. It took a lot of time and research as well as heaps of sites needed. After all this work I think it was definitely worth it. Have a look and I hope you enjoy, do you have anything to add?

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Mean, Mode, Median, Range.

 This week for math I have been working on Mean, Mode, Median and Range. I won't explain on this little bit of writing. Just instead look at my slides, did you know how to do this beforehand?

Sunday 7 November 2021

Saint Nicholas

 The past weeks we have chosen a Saint and made a slide about them. I chose Saint Nicholas (St Nick), Saint Nick did so many miracles. Like helping a woman with a withered hand, healing her hand. Have a look at the slide and learn more about him. 

Sunday 31 October 2021

Bible Choices

 Today for R.E. I did the choices that were made in the bible. Like how Jesus chose to heal the paralyzed man. Read the slides for more.

I did this activity with Elliott, What are some other choices?

Thursday 30 September 2021

Collective Nouns

Today I made a poster on Canva. It was about Collective Nouns, a noun is like a Cat or a Dog. Collective Nouns are about a group of things, like a Swarm. A swarm is a group of bees, a swarm of bees. I wrote 10 examples of collective nouns, I hope you love it. Do you know any other examples?


Thursday 16 September 2021

Sound of Music Hand Signs

 Today I did the hand signs to sign of music. It has different colours for different actions, and it has the song version off of Sound of Music. Have you seen the movie? 

The song is on the slide, line for slides.

Homographs, Homophones, Antonyms

 Today for Writing I made 2 google drawings. 1 is for homographs, the other antonyms and homophones.

Look beneath for what they all mean.

Homophones = Words that sound the same but have a different meaning and spelling. 

Example = Mail & Male.

Homographs = Words that are spelt the same, with a different meaning and somethings said differently.

Example = A tear rolled down his face - He wanted to tear it up.

Antonyms = The opposite of words.

Example = Hot & Cold.

Have a look at my 2 google drawings.