Tuesday 30 March 2021

Hat questions - Washing of the Feet

Today for R.E. I had to answer some questions. Based on the hats.
I am doing my work on when Jesus washed his disciples feet. 

What were the positive parts of the story? - Yellow hat.
The positives were probably, how Simon let him wash his feet, if not he would have not had anything to do with Jesus.

What was the negatives of the story? - Black Hat.
Probably, that Jesus knew that someone was going to betray him, and hardly addressed that. 

How else could Jesus have served the disciples? Besides washing their feet. - Green Hat.
Maybe by preparing and making the food, Because that isn't as messy as all that foot mud.

What emotions do you feel? Why? - Red hat
Not many feelings about this, to be honest. Otherwise, maybe, intriguing because you want to know why besides the money, Judas wants to betray him.   

Summarise the story in my own words - Blue hat
Jesus and the disciples were eating the meal. Jesus already knew that Judas was going to betray him, tomorrow. Jesus got off his seat and took off his jacket, he then slung a towel over his shoulder. He grabbed a bowl and placed it under one of the disciples feet. He then started washing them, once he reached Simon Peter, he asked "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"
Jesus replied with "Unless I wash you, you have no part of me."
Simon Peter answered by saying "You may as well give me a bath."
Though Jesus explained that you are only clean when your feet are washed.
Once he finished washing feet, he put his jacket back on, and returned to the table.
He asked them if they understood why he did that, which was because that leaders should serve others. And that  anyone who accepts me, accepts the one who sent me.

Jesus and his disciples. Because Jesus washed his disciples feet.

What they did was Jesus washing his feet.

At the Last Supper with his disciples.

Holy Thursday, the day he knew he would be betrayed.

He said that if he didn't wash their feet, they would having nothing to do with them.

What is your understanding?

Sunday 21 March 2021

My Surfing Experience.

 W.A.L.T. Write a recount to describe a memorable experience or moment.

On Wednesday the 17th of March, the year 7 and 8's went on a terrifically,  sweet as surfing trip. We went down to New Brighton beach, across from the New Brighton Playground. A bunch of surfing instructors taught us. The instructors worked for Learn to Surf. I highly recommend going there because they are very good at guiding you in the water and waves. Even though some people already knew how to surf, like me. We also went surfing to learn new skills, like a lot of people learnt how to stand and some learnt how to turn. 

My favourite parts were turning for the first time. Not to mention being able to surf with my classmates and friends. It is really fun to go out with your friends for a surf, especially doing *party waves. Everyone makes people crack up, like when we fall off in unison.  

Would you surf again?                                                                                                                                            Since I already surf of course I would go surfing again. It it tons of fun and really enjoyable. Surfing is a great way to get exercise while having fun. But it isn't for everyone, I recommend trying it out and seeing if you like it or not. I never wanted to surf but it became a lot of fun, once I got the hang of it. If you can already surf and want to do it with others but you don't know anyone to do it with, join a surf club. It has a opportunity to make friends doing things you both love. 

Surfing makes me feel happy, because I love doing it. I didn't feel nervous going in. Just worried it would be freezing and I would get hypothermia, from the ocean. In the end the water was warm as it tumbled down in your wet suit, but chilly at the start on your feet. You get used the chilly feet part pretty quickly, but still cold at the start.

I highly think you should try out surfing because it will be a great experience you can do, close to your town. Well, if you have beaches in your city. Also you can only experience the first time feeling of standing up on a board while riding a wave. After the first time the calmness and experience tends to fade. It could be a great hobby, or exercise for you to keep entertained.

Have you ever been surfing before?

Did you find surfing fun?

*Party waves are when you surf with your friends on the same wave.

Monday 15 March 2021

The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra

 The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra

Last Thursday on the 11th of March, the senior school from the years 5-8 went to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra at the town hall. We took a very flash bus with seat belts and curtains there. We went there because for the past couple weeks the seniors have been learning music, based on Orchestras. 

Normally, with Orchestras the Strings go in the front. Like the first layer around the conductor who stands centre. The Wood Winds are right behind, but the Oboe is right in front of the Conductor. (Normally, the oboe tunes the entire Orchestra with the chord ‘A’). The Brass section such as the trombones and french horns are behind that too. And right at the back is the percussion, all of the sections tend to go in a semicircle.

The Orchestra played very dramatic music.

The Orchestra had many different ranges of groups, the strings such as the Violin, Double Bass and Violas. There was the Wood Wind, which was like the flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Oboe and more. Also along the back of the Orchestra was the drums/timpani, triangle and a few other smaller instruments.

The Orchestra played a story within the music, the story was Peter and the Wolf. Different characters were played by different animals. 

The duck was played by the oboe, where the bird was played by the flute.

Grandpa was played by a bassoon and Peter by the Stringed instruments, like the violas, violins, and double bass. Wolf was played by the french horns and the cat by the Clarinet. 

And the gunshot noises were the timpani and other drums. The gunshots were very loud, just like a short siren.

The part I enjoyed the most about the Orchestra was the way they nailed the notes like the original. We watched a cartoon version from a long time ago and the noises were spot on, the same.

Here is a link to the video. Peter and the Wolf.
I think that they did a great job.

If I had to pick an instrument to play it would be the bassoon or the french horns. Because I like the way that they sound. The bassoon kind of a snoring man.

Also the most interesting sounding instrument was the bassoon too. It sounded very low and intriguing. Even if it was playing a Grandpa.

When I listened to the music it made me feel like breaking out and swaying my arm around like a conductor. I don’t know why though. It also would be great music to listen to. Well, if you like that and because it has got a lot of calm quiet effect to it.

I recommend you go to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra next time it comes to your city.

Have you ever been to hear the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra?

If not have you ever been to an Orchestra?

What is your favourite Orchestra instrument?

Tuesday 9 March 2021

How to Blog

 W.A.L.T. To explain the purpose of a blog.

Today for Cybersmart I made a comic with Arnaika and Tallulah they are in my class. We made a comic about what the purpose/how to do a blog post. 

It was a fun, I got the characters from Flaticon. I presented my work in the form of a Digital Learning Object. 

I hope you like it, what is something that I missed?