Tuesday 25 June 2019

Super Strategy

Today we did a whole lot of times so we decided to make a slide show for you so you know how to do your times.

I normally would give you an example but my slide will do it all for you.
So gone and checkout slide 3 for a very awesome video on how to do one.

Tell me in the comments if I taught you anything?

Monday 24 June 2019

Royal respect

Today I did a google slide on respect and we had to say things like to show respect you use the give me 5,
which is
-eyes on speaker
-arms folded
-legs crossed
-feet still
-hands not moving
I also did more on my slide have a quick flick through my slide and you will see some more ways to show respect.

Do you know anymore ways to show respect?

Thursday 13 June 2019

Major Manners

Today we did a google drawing on manners,
I did one that had a list of manners.
This week our virtue was respect to others so Miss Holland decided that we were going to do a D.L.O
(digital learning object).
I created a google drawing about manners, like how manners affects us in the world and at school.
I found that making this D.L.O was quite hard because it required heaps of thinking and a lot of self assessing,

Can you list anymore manners?
                                                         put your answers in the comments

Reflection on winter sports.

Today we did winter sport and I played Capture the flag there was a lot more people this time.
(we had 15.)
The first game we played we versed Rawhiti Rhinos,
We played as hard as we could but we tied 0 to 0.
I found getting into their base hard and trying to save our mates they were on to us like peanut watching butter they were stuck like glue.
We managed to get the ball so many times but we either got tagged or dropped the ball.
The second round we versed Queenspark,
(I was captain.)
Queenspark was not as hard but we still struggled on the first half because they were full of energy.
They kept finding us trying to sneak through without them noticing.
The second half was way easier because they were getting puffed.
Getting past them was hard actually really hard but it was heaps of fun.
Next week I am looking forward to trying my hardest and saving people,
Also next week I need to work trying not to get tagged.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Capture the flag Reflection

Capture the flag,
Today we did capture the flag,
first we versed South Brighton and we won 3 nil it was not that hard but it got harder because they went harder and did more defence.
We did really well,I didn't find it hard it was really fun.

Then we versed Queenspark rattlesnakes it was a lot harder and it made us work harder we had a draw 0 to 0 they made us work to the bone,

I love doing capture the flag I am not really into defence so I just ran out there and made (mostly).

Next week I am looking forward to playing and running out there.

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