Sunday 30 August 2020

Mixed and Improper fractions

 W.A.L.T. Identify mixed and improper fractions.

For math today I and my partner made a dlo. On what is a mixed and improper fractions. I hope you like this slideshow, go check out my partners blog. Link. Thanks for coming to my blog.

Here is my slideshow I hope you lie it, come back again soon.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

My amazing marble game

 For inquiry this time we looked at marbles. Then I made a slideshow on my own marble game. 

I don't have a name for my marble game, do you have any suggestions?

What is a marble game? 
A marble game is a game that is played with marbles. For example my game is a marble game because it involves marbles and marbles is my main point of the game.

It was fun to create the slideshow and the image for my game. I thought that my game seemed pretty cool.

I hope you like it, please comment on my blog.

Thanks, Jennah.

Monday 24 August 2020


 W.A.L.T. Solve problems involving fractions over 1.

For math today I had to make something creative on the History of Fractions. I did mine with a whiteboard and Stop Motion Animator.  Did you know Romans used word fractions or that the Latin word for fractions is Fractus meaning Broken.

I hope you like my animation I put a lot of effort into it today during Math.

Thanks for coming to my blog, do you want to come back and comment?

Just to let you know the video is a little too fast so play the speed at 0.25 by clicking on the setting icon down the bottom on full screen.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Brush Ninja

 Today for Cybersmart I had to use a brand new app. I chose Brush Ninja I am doing a rocket ship.

Brush Ninja is heaps and heaps of fun. I recommend using this app, it is great. You use many different paint brushes. GO try it out. Have you used it before?

With the rocket ship I had to draw the rocket ship a couple times but with slight movements. It took a little bit of time but was worth it.

Monday 17 August 2020

Mary the Mother

 W.A.L.T. Understand what the Assumption is.

For R.E. today I made a DLO on what is the Assumption and it has a picture of Mary. I made it myself on You should try it. 

I liked making the picture and I thought it turned out really cool, and I found it hard keeping in the lines. Here is my google drawing I hope you like it. Come visit my blog again.

Sunday 16 August 2020

Mammals of the Amazon

For the mammals of the animals I had to read the text and pick 5 most important facts. Then I had to put it on a *DLO and then post it to my blog. Mammals are warm-blooded animals and more facts like this is in my text. Do you know any other animal facts?

*Digital Learning Object.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Jennah and Kata's Zoo

 For Maths this past few weeks Kata and I have been designing a zoo. We had to pick at least 10 animals and then research their specific needs and the area and perimeter they need. We had a sheet covered in squares, each square was worth 100. Kata and I chose 12 animals.

  • Camel
  • Anteaters
  • Sloth
  • Leopard
  • Poison Dart Frog
  • Alligator Snapping Turtle
  • Lions
  • Tasmanian Devil
  • Warthog
  • Black Bear
  • Red Panda
  • Elephant
We also had 3 bathrooms, 1 playground and a kiosk which had a cafe.
It was heaps of fun picking the animals and researching what the animals needed. We also had to add a pathway that was 3 boxes wide.
Our zoo if called Jennah and Kata's Zoo.
Thank you for visiting my blog what is your favourite animal?

Here is our zoo:)

Tuesday 11 August 2020


For reading today we made a slideshow on the 5 most important facts, about armadillos. It was lots of fun looking through the text and making the slideshow. Armadillos are actually pretty cool mammals, they have their tricks and everything. They are such a fun topic to go through. What is your favourite animal?

Here is my slideshow, please come visit my blog again.:)

Matthew the Apostle

 W.A.L.T. about the significant part the apostles played as teachers in the early church.

For Religious Education this past week we have been making a wanted poster on a apostle. Tallulah and I chose Matthew of Galilee. Our crime was that he got arrested for littering in a litter free area. We were aloud to make up our own crime, the wanted poster was good. It was fun making the picture. Thanks for coming to my blog. Can you name 5 apostles?

Thursday 6 August 2020

Our Church

W.A.L.T. Identify the different parts of the Church.
For R.E. this week we have been looking at the different parts of the Church. Kata (my buddy) and I made a play dough church. Along with all the other class, we had to put in....
  • Tabernacle. The tabernacle contains bread in a wine cup.
  • Red Light. The red light shows people that the bread is in the tabernacle. The bread is also referred to Jesus.
  • Statue of Mary. A statue of Mary has to be in every church because Mary is one of the whole reasons there ever was a Jesus.
  • Crucifix. A crucifix is a cross that has Jesus on it, to remind people of Jesus and when he was crucified.
  • Cross (inside and outside). The cross is a symbol of Jesus and the church. 
  • Alter. The alter holds the bible and the candle and is a very important.
  • Candle. The candle is important because the flame can represent Jesus and how the flame forever burns like how Jesus will be forever remembered.
  • Bible. The bible holds all the stories of Jesus and teaches people all about how God created everything and how Jesus was a miracle.
  • Baptismal font. When you use a Baptismal font, you bless yourself as you enter God's house.
  • Chairs/Pews. A place to sit and pray.
  • Stain Glass Window. To show a beautiful peace of art that commemorates a sacred time.
  • Lectern. The lectern is a place that people can share the word of God and his family. And to share their prays.
What is Reconciliation?
Reconciliation is when you can get God to forgive your sins by telling God through a Priest. In Reconciliation you can either show the Priest your face or not. By confessing your sins you now no longer have to carry the weight of what you have done by sharing it and getting of your chest by telling someone that you know you can trust.
Have you ever done Reconciliation?

Here is a picture of Kata and mine church. I hope you like it.