Monday 31 May 2021

Elements in a Narrative

 Today for Writing we are learning about Narratives. I watched a video on an advertisement from Heinz, the bean company. I then answered boxes on what the plot, characters, setting, and theme was. 

Narratives are made-up stories about things that include, characters, setting, problem, solution, climax. For example majority of Disney Movies are narratives, so if you read the books it is a narrative.

Here is my DLO, a google drawing of a mind map. And here is a Link to the Heinz video I did the google drawing off.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Imagery, Alliteration, Rhyme.

 Today for Writing under Figurative Language I made a google slide on Imagery, Alliteration, and Rhyme. Every slide has a different colour depending on the different figurative language. Alliteration = Purple. Rhyme = Blue and Imagery = Pink. There is also some song examples.

Rhyme is when two that sounds similar when you say or hear them.

Alliteration is the repetition of vowel sounds in any words.

Imagery (or sensory) is about using the five senses.

I also added some examples so you can see what that means. Here is the slideshow beneath.

Do you know any other examples?

Monday 24 May 2021

How to Simplify Fractions

 So lately in Math I have been learning how to simplify fractions. Now I am going to teach you, I have attached a google drawing so you know. Simplifying fractions gets way easier after a couple practices. 

Just in case my explaining wasn't helpful I placed a Math Antics video too. I also have ones to try for yourself.

Now if you are to simplify a fraction you do this: For example, 12/24. Looking at this fraction it may look kind of hard right? Not exactly, the truth is that honestly the simplified version is 1/2, 6/12 or maybe 3/6. 

Now to teach you how to get this, I would write this again. But I have written this once on the google drawing go check it out.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Pentecost Mind Map

 Today for R.E. I finished off my Pentecost Mind Map. It has a bunch of information about Pentecost. I don't want to spoil anything, so go look at the images below.

Do you know the symbol of Pentecost?


 Also this week I was working on similes, as simile is a comparison of two unlike things using like or as. For example: She was like the sun. 

Beneath this is my simile slide from the figurative language slide. There is a song example, my own example, definition, and a photo.

Do you know any other similes?


This week I worked a bit on Metaphors. Metaphors are a comparison of two unlike words such as is, are, was, and were. For example: He was an ox. Down below this is my metaphor slide, from my figurative language slideshow. On the slide there is a song example, my own example, a photo and a definition.

Do you know any other metaphors?

Wednesday 19 May 2021


 Today for Writing I made this DLO, about Personification. Personification is when you give non-human things human-like qualities. For example the wind whistled through the trees. On my DLO, I have examples from many different things. Did you know in lots of songs there is personification. Like in Next to You by Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber.

Do you know any other songs?

Tuesday 18 May 2021

How to post a good comment

 Today for Cybersmart I made a poster on How to Post a Good Comment. I used Canva, a great app. When your posting a good comment always make sure to use Positive, Thoughtful, Helpful. (PTH.) You also ask a question at the end. If the blog post has a question you also answer it.

When you positive comments you always need to think about the positive side, and don't think of the negatives.

Posting thoughtful comments is when you show a common interest or something you have similar.

Then finally if your doing helpful, you tell them something, like advice. For example: Don't forget to put a capital letter at the start of the title.

Check out my posters below, Is there anything else I missed?

Don't forget to comment.

Thursday 13 May 2021

My creative Refugee Story

 The other day we went on a Refugee walk, and so today one of the task options was to create my own creative Refugees. Refugees are people that flee from their homes to go somewhere else. Because they are now unable to stay where they are. In class we had also been reading a book called refugee, it was about 3 different stories about 3 different kids. All the kids are refugees and are from different decades. Down below this piece of writing is my story.

Have you read the book Refugee?

The trekking was tough, I had to carry my weight in rocks, sticks and

shelter supplies. I could not keep my two feet balanced. Mainly, because

of the heavy cargo, and harsh weather. The rain speckling 24/7 on us, the muddy mush becoming thick and slowly hardening on my feet, then

once I stand in a puddle every few seconds, it all seeps into my hole

covered, empty feeling and very old converse. The star logo fading to

anyones eye. My friends and family stare at me through soaking faces

and dirt covered glasses. I see one of my mates pick up an old piece of

twine, from an old shoe lace. I walk over, they say that this is good rope

for our shelter. That motivational speech I heard from them, seemed

to me motivational. I got everyone in the group ready and we trudged on,

all my friends panting behind me. I heard voices and it was getting dark,

I looked behind me only to see the speckling of people turning on

flashlights. I looked at my group unaware of what was coming, the

people ended up spotting us. I had to get us away fast. I called on the

rest of us to hurry up. Trying not to startle them too much. We start

jogging, which turns into a run, then a run, then a sprint, and then a

scream sprint. Then I hear gravel crunching from the men chasing us,

but ignore it. I tell my group to run faster and they do, then I throw

a hat on the floor of one direction and we go the opposite. Then

I grab someone’s bag.That had a couple of rocks in it, and the bag cost

about $0.10, then I throw it the opposite way that we are going. We

start running and running until we come to a clearing, surrounding it

was trees and thorns. Just the place to hide out for the night. I get

everyone in with the help of my friends. Once inside I pull out the

shelter equipment and give it to all the adults. They make a shelter

within 15 minutes. Once that is done I grab out the rice and water. I

start to make the rice but then I realise that I left the Firestarter

at home. I start to panic and go around everyone looking for a lighter.

No one has one but someone comes up to me 30 minutes later, with a

handmade bow drill. They then teach me how to use the bow drill. I'm

surprised with their skills and get them to make the fire for our meal.

Once they made the fire I start preparing the rice properly, and I get

the water from someone's hydro flask. It's all old, blue, and scratched.

I thank them for letting me borrow their only water, and I call them over

to help me do the honour of pouring in the water. 

Then I dish up all the children a big handful of rice, in a plastic cup that we found on the way here. That was in someone’s skip. They had

to eat it with their bare hands. The thing is that their hands were

covered in mud, dirt and dog poop. After 30 minutes the children

started feeling sick, and I wasn't sure how this was going to go.

Because we had no medicine. 

The End

Jesus Ascension Comic Strip

 Today for R.E. I made a comic strip to resemble the Ascending of Jesus. Before Jesus ascended he told all 11 of his Apostles that he would give them the gift of the Holy Spirit. And that they are not to leave Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit has come. And that they will then have power of all of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. And to the ends of the earth.

Any information that you want to know is either included in this comic strip or ask in the comments.

Do you know what the Ascension means?

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Blog Battle

 Today for Cybersmart Arnaika and I, my buddy. Did the Blog Battle. Where we go through each others blog and see if they have certain things. If we have some of these specific things we get points of points taken. In the part I put for Arnaika, not all the photos would work, or I had no photos. Arnaika and I got the same amount of points though, 67. We only got added points, none taken away.

Here is a photo of what we put down and underneath is a link to Arnaika's blog. Sorry the embedded image is small, the doc was too long I could not screenshot it. Arnaika's Blog.