Tuesday 31 March 2020

Lego challenge

In the holidays we were given a Lego challenge. Day 3 was to build as new house for your parents. I completed it yesterday but  posted this today. My house is rainbow and has some odd peices. Do you like it?
This is the exterior, and below is the interior

Can you make a lego house?

Thursday 26 March 2020

Magic Biscuits

W.A.L.T: Write with a purpose
For Writing today we had to pick a picture from pobble365 and write a story about it, there are story starters if we needed them. I found a picture of gigantic dogs. My story started of with what was going on at that time in the story. Here is my story, the story is kind of short. I wrote it in 20 minutes. This is the picture.
Do you like it? Do you have any suggestions?

It felt like I was part of Alice in Wonderland. My pet dogs, Ruffles and Fluffles (which are their names, Uncle Fredrick decided on Ruffles name and Aunt Freda chose Fluffles name.) Where was I? Ah yes Ruffles and Fluffles had a tiny bit of artificial soap and now they are gigantic. I had to order the large size treats. Lucky Grandpa Phillip gave me 2 giant tyres. Ruffles loves to lick frosting off her nose that is why in the picture you can see her licking her nose. Fluffles on the other hand is a big eater. Once she ate fish fingers right out of a little boys lunch box. I have to get a pick up truck to move her so Ruffles gets some food. The guy in the picture is the cleaner I am paying him extra to feed the dogs though. I just ordered a gigantic rubber ball and a massive rope toy. Randy (the cleaner) is going play tug a war with Fluffles and I am gonna play fetch with Ruffles. When they were smaller Fluffles couldn’t pick up the ball, no if she picked it up she would think it is a bug and eat it. For some strange reason Randy came out of the garage carrying a huge barrel of buttermilk. “Randy, What up with the buttermilk?” “I heard that you can give dogs buttermilk to make them shrink”. Then Randy fell over and dislocated his shoulder, it wasn’t a worry he has done this a numerous amount of times. I have spent 3 thousand on Randy so he can wrap his shoulder in toilet paper, because I am not spending any more money on him.

Wednesday 25 March 2020


W.A.L.T: Show your thinking when we solve problems.
For Math we had to pick an equation and solve it in away that I will teach others. I was going to do a screencastify but it did not work so I just did a slideshow instead.
The equation I did was 1243+643= It was supposed t be minus but I accidently made it plus.

Do you know an easier way to work it out?


W.A.L.T: Summarise key information
For R.E. we had to watch a video and summarise the key points. My Summary is below this text.
Have you ever written a summary before?

The Jewish Leaders and teachers didn’t like what Jesus was doing or how he called himself The Son of God. They made a plan to arrest Jesus. Judas one of Jesus’s disciples agreed to betray Jesus and give him over to the religious leaders for some money. Jesus was praying and Judus showed the man who Jesus was. Jesus was arrested. Jesus was presented to the high council and they asked him if he was the Messiah, savior of the dews. They protested that Jesus was guilty and he deserved to die. They took Jesus before the Roman ruler. Pilot didn’t think that Jesus had done anything wrong, Pilot said he would punish him and then release him. Jesus was hurt and spat on him. His  clothes were torn and taken from him and they also gave him a crown made from thorns. He was hurt so bad that he could barely stand by himself. He was then forced to carry his own cross so far up a mountain that he needed help to carry it. Once Jesus made it to the place he was going to be crucified. While he was on the cross many people shouted to him “If you are the Son of God then save yourself”. But Jesus knew he had to die to save the people. At noon darkness crossed the whole land 3 hours went by and Jesus took his final breath. A soldier who had watched the whole thing said “He really was the Son of God”. Then a righteous man came and put Jesus’s body in a tomb, 3 days passed and nothing really happened.  But very early on Sunday two women who cared for Jesus went to visit his body and found his tomb empty. And that he was no longer there. An angel appeared and said “Don’t be afraid, he is not here he has risen”. The women remembered that Jesus had told them that he would rise again. They ran to go tell the disciples what they had heard and seen. Then for the next 40 days Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others and showed them that he was alive and well.He taught them that what he did was the only way to be forgiven and be with God for ever.

Tuesday 24 March 2020


This slideshow includes ways to be etiquette when using Google Hangouts.
Our class and other classes are using google hangouts, but there are some rules behind it.
1- you can't be in your bedroom or the bathroom. When using google hangouts you should be in the living room or the kitchen maybe.
2- make sure you have tidied yourself up, you don't want to have a marmite stain while you are on google hangouts.
Go through my slideshow and see other reasons and rules.
Have you ever used Google Hangouts?

Thursday 19 March 2020


For Cybersmart we were to make animations. You probably would have seen an animation. An example, have you seen the whistling Mickey Mouse. It is at the start of some movies. I made an animation involving dogs. I do not want to give a big spoiler so have a look at my animation.

What do you think?

Hanmer Springs Camp 2020

On Wednesday the 26th of February Room 1 went to Hanmer Springs forest camp. We had eaps of fun, we had to write a recount of Camp. Here is my recount.

Hanmer Springs Camp
Last week Room One (Year 7 and 8) went to Hanmer Springs for camp. We did lots of activities,
such as the pools, mountain biking and tree climbing.

Once we arrived at Hanmer we were supposed to do the Dog Stream Walk but, Google maps told
Miss Holland to drive to the top. We were meant to walk to the top and back down. So we decided
to walk the Conical hill instead. Arnaika and I walked up together. Some of us jogged down. We kept
catching up to the others, so we had to to stop a few times. Since we were supposed to do Dog
Stream we walked back to camp. 
It felt like it took forever, but it’s better than having to walk Dog Stream.

Once we got to our camp we were given our cabin keys and got changed into our togs.
Tallulah and I shared cabin A3. We hopped into the cars and drove to the pools. Almost instantly
Tallulah and I went on the hydroslide (the bowl). It was a blast, and then we went on the Conical Thrill.
Joseph, Ari and my Mum came down to the pools and Joseph and I did the hydroslides a couple times.
While my Dad was monitoring the top of the Conical Thrill. At one stage we were playing tag in the
lazy river, at different stage we were in the lengths pool doing bombs and Manu’s. I really enjoyed it there.

Back at camp we had dinner, pie. I had 4 slices and for dessert I had 2 lots of cake and ice cream.
Then we played spotlight and then went to bed.

The next day we got woken up at 7:00, and had breakfast at 7:30. I can’t remember what I had
for breakfast. Then we got changed and did some stuff to get ready for the day. I was doing Mountain
biking today.

Two guys were instructing the mountain biking. We got our bikes and helmets and then we had a
safety check. The bees were attacking Tallulah. She was wearing a yellow top though.
Since everyone's bikes were fine the instructors got us to do practice laps. We did a couple laps and
then started biking out of the camp ground. I really enjoyed biking. Closer to the end we did the
pump track, so much fun. Snakes and Ladders, it was awesome I did it twice. There was a hill and
Mace and Hunter went down it, I was as scared as a little boy hiding in the dark. In the end Tallulah
and I went down the hill.

The next morning I was going to be doing Tree Climbing. The instructor, Niko and this other
lady showed us how to attach the harness. It was funny, the day before Charlotte said I would not
make it to the top of the big tree. Then she beat $10, but I raised it to $20. I made it up the red one and
the green one. Tree climbing is my thing. Then I was first in line for the white one. This was the
moment of truth, would I make it up the big tree? In the end I made it up the big tree, I let Charlotte
keep her money though. 

Camp was as much fun as a kid opening presents on Christmas morning. Hanmer Springs was
amazing, the pools, Conical hill, Dog Stream, tree climbing and mountain biking. It was the best part
of 2020 so far.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

My visual Mihi

W.A.L.T.  Identify who we are using a visiul Mihi.

Steps  on How to Make your own Mihi.
1- Use a pencil to draw a rough outline of your dislikes and likes (in one corner). Your flag/culture in another corner, add a photo of yourself in the culture corner. Either drawn by you or a digital printed picture of you. In one of the top corners But your family in Koro form. And in the remaining box put your Mountain and river.
2- Go over your pencil with a black crayon, and for your more detailed work with a vivid.
3- Once you have outlined your work use dye to colour in your artwork.

Why did I chose these symbols?
I chose these symbols because they represent me and what I like. They show other people what I like.
My mouth symbol stands for how I like to talk. The netball player stands for how I like to play netball. The donut and lollies stand for my love of sweets. The dogs stand for my favourite animal, dogs. Mathematics  cause I love Mathematics (most of the time). Vegetables are the one thing I put that I dislike, I also do not like cream cheese but I did not remember that. Last but not least being a veternarian is one of my likes.

This is my Visual Mihi, in the left corner there is a picture of me. I am animated though. Also in the left corner is the New Zealand flag, since I was born in New Zealand and my parents were to.
The right corner has my dislikes and likes, but I only had 1 dislike.
In my top right corner is my family in Koro form. I am in the middle, My brothers are in the corner, my parents are down the bottom, and my dog is the other koro.
The top left corner has my mountains and river, Mount Cook and the Waimakiri.

What would I do different next time?
If I did it different I would colour in my detailed pictures and and then dye the background. All the fine detail made the dye travel to the background and mixed the background colour.