Thursday 26 March 2020

Magic Biscuits

W.A.L.T: Write with a purpose
For Writing today we had to pick a picture from pobble365 and write a story about it, there are story starters if we needed them. I found a picture of gigantic dogs. My story started of with what was going on at that time in the story. Here is my story, the story is kind of short. I wrote it in 20 minutes. This is the picture.
Do you like it? Do you have any suggestions?

It felt like I was part of Alice in Wonderland. My pet dogs, Ruffles and Fluffles (which are their names, Uncle Fredrick decided on Ruffles name and Aunt Freda chose Fluffles name.) Where was I? Ah yes Ruffles and Fluffles had a tiny bit of artificial soap and now they are gigantic. I had to order the large size treats. Lucky Grandpa Phillip gave me 2 giant tyres. Ruffles loves to lick frosting off her nose that is why in the picture you can see her licking her nose. Fluffles on the other hand is a big eater. Once she ate fish fingers right out of a little boys lunch box. I have to get a pick up truck to move her so Ruffles gets some food. The guy in the picture is the cleaner I am paying him extra to feed the dogs though. I just ordered a gigantic rubber ball and a massive rope toy. Randy (the cleaner) is going play tug a war with Fluffles and I am gonna play fetch with Ruffles. When they were smaller Fluffles couldn’t pick up the ball, no if she picked it up she would think it is a bug and eat it. For some strange reason Randy came out of the garage carrying a huge barrel of buttermilk. “Randy, What up with the buttermilk?” “I heard that you can give dogs buttermilk to make them shrink”. Then Randy fell over and dislocated his shoulder, it wasn’t a worry he has done this a numerous amount of times. I have spent 3 thousand on Randy so he can wrap his shoulder in toilet paper, because I am not spending any more money on him.

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