Thursday 19 March 2020

Hanmer Springs Camp 2020

On Wednesday the 26th of February Room 1 went to Hanmer Springs forest camp. We had eaps of fun, we had to write a recount of Camp. Here is my recount.

Hanmer Springs Camp
Last week Room One (Year 7 and 8) went to Hanmer Springs for camp. We did lots of activities,
such as the pools, mountain biking and tree climbing.

Once we arrived at Hanmer we were supposed to do the Dog Stream Walk but, Google maps told
Miss Holland to drive to the top. We were meant to walk to the top and back down. So we decided
to walk the Conical hill instead. Arnaika and I walked up together. Some of us jogged down. We kept
catching up to the others, so we had to to stop a few times. Since we were supposed to do Dog
Stream we walked back to camp. 
It felt like it took forever, but it’s better than having to walk Dog Stream.

Once we got to our camp we were given our cabin keys and got changed into our togs.
Tallulah and I shared cabin A3. We hopped into the cars and drove to the pools. Almost instantly
Tallulah and I went on the hydroslide (the bowl). It was a blast, and then we went on the Conical Thrill.
Joseph, Ari and my Mum came down to the pools and Joseph and I did the hydroslides a couple times.
While my Dad was monitoring the top of the Conical Thrill. At one stage we were playing tag in the
lazy river, at different stage we were in the lengths pool doing bombs and Manu’s. I really enjoyed it there.

Back at camp we had dinner, pie. I had 4 slices and for dessert I had 2 lots of cake and ice cream.
Then we played spotlight and then went to bed.

The next day we got woken up at 7:00, and had breakfast at 7:30. I can’t remember what I had
for breakfast. Then we got changed and did some stuff to get ready for the day. I was doing Mountain
biking today.

Two guys were instructing the mountain biking. We got our bikes and helmets and then we had a
safety check. The bees were attacking Tallulah. She was wearing a yellow top though.
Since everyone's bikes were fine the instructors got us to do practice laps. We did a couple laps and
then started biking out of the camp ground. I really enjoyed biking. Closer to the end we did the
pump track, so much fun. Snakes and Ladders, it was awesome I did it twice. There was a hill and
Mace and Hunter went down it, I was as scared as a little boy hiding in the dark. In the end Tallulah
and I went down the hill.

The next morning I was going to be doing Tree Climbing. The instructor, Niko and this other
lady showed us how to attach the harness. It was funny, the day before Charlotte said I would not
make it to the top of the big tree. Then she beat $10, but I raised it to $20. I made it up the red one and
the green one. Tree climbing is my thing. Then I was first in line for the white one. This was the
moment of truth, would I make it up the big tree? In the end I made it up the big tree, I let Charlotte
keep her money though. 

Camp was as much fun as a kid opening presents on Christmas morning. Hanmer Springs was
amazing, the pools, Conical hill, Dog Stream, tree climbing and mountain biking. It was the best part
of 2020 so far.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennah,
    Your camp sounds like it was a whole heap of fun. I went to camp not too long ago as well and that was fun. I am way to scared to even think about trying to do conical thrill. Was is scary?


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