Monday 13 July 2020

Cold Christchurch

For this activity of the Winter Learning Journey I had to write a story about what it would be like if I was there on the coldest day in Christchurch. I found -4 degrees Celsius. It may not be right. What is the coldest day in Christchurch ever. This activity was good and interesting. My story is short so it is not to long to read.
Thanks for coming to my blog:)
Have a Great day. Here is my story

Coldest temperature in Christchurch: -4 degrees celsius.

Brr.. Today was -4 degrees celsius. I grabbed my jersey and put my puffa jacket on top. It was so freezing, I shivered and shivered. I wasn’t leaving the house anyway so I just grabbed some blankets and put on the fire. I poured myself a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate. I ended up burning my tongue so bad. Outside the frost was thick, and froze the cars. I turned on Netflix and watched the final episode of Fuller House. Tonight I am going to turn on all the heaters.

Where to go to get warm

Even though we can't travel out of our countries right now eventually we will want to go to somewhere warm in the winter. Well I did some research and I think Paris, France will be a great place to go. Scenic views, warm weather and yummy cuisine. What could be better. For this activity of the Winter Learning Journey I made a brochure on 3 things to do in Paris. It was heaps of fun looking through websites on what you could do in Paris.
I hope you think that the brochure is informing. Where have you been when it was summer over there?

Winter Learning Journey

For the first activity in the Winter Learning Journey I made a slideshow on what 10 things you can ONLY do in Winter. It was fun to do but tricky to think of some. If you can think of anymore than put it in the comments. What things can you think of?

Wednesday 1 July 2020


W.A.L.T. Write a haiku following the correct structure.
For this blog post I am publishing a haiku to my blog.
I chose the one I did about Fuller House. Here it is.

Fuller House
It is a reboot,
the series sadly finished.
I wish they did more.

I hope you liked that, if you want to write your own watch this video.
Don't forget that a Haiku has to have 3 line. The first with 5 syllables, then 7 and the 5 again. Syllables are sounds from a word.

Question Quiz about R.E.

W.A.L.T. understand what the bible is.
For R.E. today Tallulah and I answered some questions. Here they are.

1. What is the bible?
The bible is a record of when God created the earth, animals and humans.

2. How many books are in the bible?

3. How many testaments are there in the bible?

4. What does the word testament mean?
The word testament means agreement.

5. What language is the old testament written in?

6. What language is the new testament written in?

7. Who is the main character in the new testament?

8. What testament would you read the story of creation in?
This one you can answer in the comments

9. Who wrote the four gospels?

This is the image Tallulah and I made as a team, together.
Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 09.25.45.png