Wednesday 27 November 2019

Passion project

We had to a passion project, if you are wondering what that is it is a, this project where we have to create a google slide on something we enjoy. I did surfing it is so much fun and I love here is a google slide on my Passion Project subject surfing.

What subject would you do?

Sunday 24 November 2019

Saving Sand dunes

Today we did a programme on our Sand dunes, and how they form, how they get destroyed.

They taught us that there is 3 main things that destroy sand dunes over time,
1) People
2) Wind
3) water/ocean

Did you know how the sand gets to the beach well here is the way it works.
So part of the mountains break off and breaks down and ends up in the river which ends up in the ocean and then it blows onto the beach.

Sand dunes also help with Tsunami´s or stormy waves because when huge waves come, the sand dunes help hold off the waves.

On the sand dunes there are 4 main plants that grow and help the sand stay together.
1. Pingao
2. Spinifex
3. Ice plant
4. Marram

The man that taught us about sand dunes told us a story, from about 15 years ago, and it is true. Here it is: Once there was an elderly couple that had a house across from some sand dunes, they phoned the council and complained about how they could not see the ocean. People agreed with the couple so the council got a digger to take a scoop out of the sand dunes. The two sides of the remaining sand dunes started blowing through the middle, unfortunately the sand started flying into the couples roof, and eventually the roof became to heavy with all the sand and so it collapsed. The couple were not hurt, but after the roof fell there was about 2 tons of sand in the roof.
There is a lesson in that story, do not mess with nature.

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Do you like my groups sand dune?

Thursday 21 November 2019


WALT: Work together to problem solve.
For S.T.E.M. we had to make sort of like an obstacle course for a marble. We had to make it out of toilet paper tubes, scissors and tape. In our group we had a planning sheet, to plan for our structure.
We were not so good as working like a team, we argued a few times.
Next time we need to work on working together better.
This is our marble obstacle course.
Do you think our one worked?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

How to do written form

I have a video for you to watch on how to do written form also known as standard form.
Hope you enjoy, tell me in the comments if I taught you anything.

Summary on Earthquakes

Summary on earthquakes

In this article summarising an article, I am going to tell you about earthquakes, making a long story short. 

Earthquakes can be very deadly. That is because of the result of strain
built up in rocks due to earth movements.

The earth is made up of several different layers, One layer is the crust.
Which is the outer layer. The crust is made from solid rock, beneath which lies the mantle of magna,
a layer of molten rock. 

Scientists can predict when earthquakes are going to strike.
Seismologists use special equipment to measure the intensity of the shock waves and to monitor
(active)  fault lines. The size and force is measured on the Richter scale.

A large earthquake measures five or more on the scale, but small tremors measures only two or three.

Fact one:
According to Ancient Hindu mythology, the earth was held up by huge elephants.
The Hindus believed that earthquakes occured when one of the elephants became tired and shook
their heads.

Fact two: Tsunamis, or giant waves, form near the coast following an Earthquake under the sea.
A earthquake under the sea. A tsunami can be high as 50 metres and travel
at speeds of up to 750 km/hr an hour. In June 1896, a tsunami hit the Japanese island of Honshu,
drowning 26000 people.

Volcano summary

For reading I had to do a summary on Volcanoes.
Here is my summary,
A volcano eruption is one scary situation. When a volcano erupts molten lava and ash come out of the volcanoes top, sort of like the volcano is angry.
People who live at the base of a volcano often do not have enough time to escape and, when a volcano eruption occurs many people die.
Volcanoes form where a crack or opening occurs in the Earths crust. Inside the volcano is literally a huge pipe that goes down the middle, which leads to Magna. Through the crack, magna mixed with gases and ash pushes up from the earth.
When Lava cools it turns into black hard rock, sort of like coal.
6 out of 10 volcanoes in the world are situated around the pacific ocean. Because there are so many volcanoes in the area, the arc that they form has been named the ¨Pacific Ring of fire¨. Most of the volcanoes are still active, so people need to be careful when sailing near.
The word Volcano comes from the island ¨Vulcan¨ of the coast of Italy. Romans considered it to be the place where Vulcan, the god of fire, made his weapons. The ancient Greeks thought that Hephgaestus, their god of fire, lived beneath Mt Etna, in Sicily. As Hephaestus beat the iron to forge his weapons.

Hope you enjoyed my summary, post a comment on your feedback.

Dog for a Day!

For reading we were to pick an activity to do after reading the book.
I chose the what animal would you want to be for a day.
I love dogs so much, so as you might guess from that and the title you would think I would want to be a dog for a day. Here are some reasons on why I would want to be a dog for a day.
no.1 They are so cute and playful, they get some much attention.
no.2 Have you seen there little faces, don´t you just want to hug their adorable little faces.
no.3 Dog don´t have to go to school, they get to sleep and play whenever.
What animal would you be?

Kmart, wishing tree

Our school New Brighton Catholic are collecting presents for the Kmart, wishing tree.
Kmart collect all the gifts for all the ages, not just kids, adults, baby´s, kids, teens, tween´s.
Please bring in gifts for the less fortunate, so they also have an awesome Christmas.
Kmart provide a form on a Christmas tree with the questions, what gender is the gift for, what age is the gift for, and what the gift is.
So please bring a present to your local Kmart, the gift has to be in perfect condition and if you can wrapped.