Thursday 24 September 2020

Our volcano experiment

 W.A.L.T. See the reaction between baking soda and vinegar.

Today our class erupted our volcanoes. It was a terrific experiment and was quite a sight. The way the volcano erupted was because the vinegar which is acid and baking soda which is a base. (polar opposites). When they are put together the two ingredients cause gases like carbon dioxide. When the volcano erupted you could hear the hissing of the carbon dioxide. And we saw a red bubbly substance rushing down the side. We added red dye for the affect. For the past two weeks we have been paper maching and painting our volcanoes. A lot of effort went into these volcanoes and it was cool some other classes got to witness this reaction. 

Next time I would add a lot more baking soda for the eruption to go way bigger and look slightly cooler. Though is was still an awesome experience. 

Do you think this experiment would be interesting to try?

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Seven Sacraments

Do you know the seven sacraments?

In this slideshow will provide the seven sacraments, and what happens.

Here is what happens in the sacraments, just look through this slide.

Volcano Eruptions

 Have you ever wondered how a volcano erupts? To be honest I have not. I just thought that the lava builds up and up and then over flows. But I found out there is more to volcano's then meets the eye. From the vent/chimney, the magma, lava, molten rock and heaps others. I hope that my google drawing is a lot more helpful than this little flick of writing. Have you ever been to a volcano?

Thursday 17 September 2020

Maori Emotions

 Today I finished off my Maori emotions. It was heaps of fun picking what picture to go with each emotion. I also added a audio for you. 

It was so much fun.

Greetings in Maori

 W.A.L.T. say Maori Greetings.

Today since I was away on Monday I did a Maori greetings slideshow. It was heaps of fun. The greetings I did were...

- Tena Koutou.

- Tena Koe.

- Tena Korua.

- Morena

- Kia Ora.

Here is my slideshow if you need help pronouncing the words I put some audio on.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Pixton Comics and Stop Motion Animator

 W.A.L.T. trial a new tool.

Today I did a google meet on stop motion and Pixton comics. I really loved Pixton comics. My comic is a work in progress. I did a comic and I put my friends into it. I also made my own character. This was so much fun, I can't wait to use them again. I want to show you what I got to so far in my comic. I hope you like it as much as I do. Go to Join.pixton.comics/mxpfh. I reckon you will definitely like it. I need a name for my comic so can you put one in the comments? Do you know of any good names?


I found it so much fun.


Trouble with opening the google meet.


All of it.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Colours in Maori

 Today I named the Colours in Maori, from Red to Black to White and the rest. It was fun because we had t think of images to go with the colours. I definitely would not mind doing this again. 
Purple is Papura

Red is Whero

Yellow is Kowhai

Blue is Kikorangi 

Orange is Karaka

Black is Mangu

Grey is Kiwikiwi

White is Ma

Green is Kakariki

Monday 14 September 2020

Maori Weeks

 Today since it is Maori language week we did a DLO on the names of the week. Kata my partner recorded herself saying the names and everything. Where I helped with how to remember them and most of the pictures. This was a fun activity because it was interesting to do and making up the ways to remember them were fun. Though a thank you to Miss Holland for helping with them because she came up with the majority.

Here are the names in Maori and a sentence.

Ko te aha tenei ra? which means What day is it?

- Rahina > Monday

- Ratu > Tuesday

- Raapa > Wednesday

- Rapare > Thursday

- Ramere > Friday

- Rahoroi > Saturday

- Ratapu > Sunday

Thank you for coming to check out my blog.

Here is my dlo.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Book Character Day

 Today at our school we dressed up as a book character. I decided to go as Piglet, from Winnie the Pooh. At school were are going to have a fashion parade, and maybe some games. After a little bit one slither of white fell off of my nose.

I chose this outfit because Piglet was cute and I thought it would be perfect. 


Wednesday 9 September 2020

Summary on the Hushed

 W.A.L.T. Identify the deeper meaning within the text.

For Reading yesterday I did a summary sheet on the Hushed a story about people being Hushed. Tre the main star and him coming to a new classroom.

I think the story was very creative and full of imagination, the author is Paul Mason.

I hope you like this summary thing, come back to my blog sometime.

Monday 7 September 2020

Synthesizing The Promise

 W.A.L.T. identify the deeper meaning in a text.

For Reading today we synthesized the text of The Promise. It is about a bunch of teenagers in a bunker to survive bad air. I didn't mind the activity it was fun I guess. I was in a group of 3, you didn't have to go in groups but Kata, Max and I did anyway.

Here is my synthesizing sheet I hope you like it.

Sunday 6 September 2020

How to simplify a Fraction

This is a blog post on how to simplify fractions. Will start with a simple fraction to simplify, then a harder one. Simplifying fractions is making fractions simpler. 
Lets start with 9/12, so what times what is 9. 3 x 3 is 9 so we can put 3 on the top. Know since we timesed it by 3, what times 3 is 12. Answer: 4. The fraction is now 3/4. That's your answer to simplifying  the fraction 9/12. To be honest that goes under as small and kind of big. So I won't hold anymore of your time, thanks for coming to my blog. Leave a comment.
Fractions Explained - A Guide for Parents

Wednesday 2 September 2020

The 7 Sacraments

W.A.L.T. Understand the meaning of sacrament in our lifes.
For R.E. today I answered a document which had the 7 sacraments, I peered the sacraments up with their icon and bible verse.
Here is which bible verse for which sacrament.

Confirmation - John 20:22
Baptism - John 3:5
Anointing of the Sick - Mark 5:34
Reconciliation - Mark 2:5
Marriage - Matthew 19:6
Holy Orders - Acts 3:3-6
Eucharist - John 6:56

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Respect towards: others, ourselves, animals, and environment.

 For R.E. the past two days I have been working on a DLO on how I can show respect to.....

  • The environment
  • Others
  • Ourselves
  • Animals
I kind of liked this activity, it wasn't my favourite but it was still interesting. I liked picking fonts and the background though.
I think next time I am going to make the boxes bigger for more ideas, and pick a theme for the text and background. 
I think if one day you are looking for something to do, this is perfect for you!
It gives you something to think about.
This activity helps remind you to show respect. And it lets you see how you show respect.

Here is my DLO. I challenge you to make your own and add a different box, one that I don't have. For Example: Community. I would add community to one of my boxes.