Tuesday 31 August 2021


Today for Math I had to chose 2 other currencies and compare them to New Zealand's Currency. I did what is the exchange rate, a picture of the country, what currency they use, and lastly what other countries use that currency.

The Events of Jesus' life

 Today for R.E. I put Jesus' Life in order of events. It was a bit of a struggle at first but somethings helped me get them into the order. Some of the events were like Jesus' birth or him carrying the cross. Even him going up to Heaven. Look at my google drawing to see some more events from Jesus' life.

Can you see what number he rode through a town on a donkey?

Monday 30 August 2021

The Battle of Kororareka

 Do you know what The Battle of Kororareka is?

Kororareka is a place that held a battle. Hone Heke came with several hundred other fighters. Before I ruin it they had a fight. If you want to know more just have a look at my Google Drawing down below. Do you know who Hone Heke is?

Sunday 29 August 2021

New Zealand Currency - Maths

 Today for Maths I made a slideshow on the History of New Zealand Currency. I won't give any spoilers so check it out. Do you know any other reasons these people were put on the notes?

Jesus' Life

W.A.L.T. Recall the events in the life of Jesus.

Today for R.E. I completed a slideshow, I had to write 5 events of Jesus life. Mainly the main ones, and also find out the what the Bible Reading was about. I then had to chose one of the slides from there, I chose the list of 5 events. I hope you like it, do you know any other events in his life?

Thursday 26 August 2021

Men vs. Women - Venn Diagram

 Today for Reading I made a Venn Diagram comparing men and women on their rights back in the day. It really puts how unfair it was for women back in the day into a bigger perspective. Men were always seen as the more dominate and the more powerful, they were seen as the leader. Though women had many of good qualities and they could be a leader. Now have a look at my Venn Diagram to see the comparisons.

Do you know of any other rights that either of them had or similarities?

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Newspaper Article, they got the vote.

Today for Reading I had to write a Newspaper Article on Kate Sheppard winning the right for Women to vote. I tried to base this on back in the day, but it was a bit tricky. I won't write to much and ruin it so look down below.

Do you know of any other people that campaigned in the suffrage?

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Kate Sheppard

 Today I made a poster of what I think is the way they advertised women voting back then. Keeping in mind that they didn't have much so they had to travel and advertise and get signatures for the petition. I made my poster on an old times themed website and I just changed the writing and image. I hope you like it.

Do you know why women wanted to vote?

Monday 23 August 2021

Kate Sheppard and Meri Te Tai Mangakahia

 Who is Kate and Meri?

Well Kate Sheppard and Meri Te Tai Mangakahia helped shape the future. They got women the privilege of voting. If they weren't there we might not look like what we do now. Kate and Meri went into Parliament at different times with different people. But the both campaigned for the voting of women. Though even though they did a lot of the same things, though Kate got women enrolled, mainly Kate is mentioned. Where Meri Te Tai Mangakahia did fight too. For more information on the two look below at my Google Drawing.

Had you heard of the pair before?

Sunday 22 August 2021

Sister Aroha

 Sister Aroha is the first ever New Zealand Nun that went over to serve for the Mother Theresa order.

She was born Philomene Hoban, a farm girl from Calverton. This is only a little bit about her. Look below fora Venn diagram of me comparing her to Mary the Mother of God. Also a google drawing on ´What can we learn from Sister Aroha´s life? There is also a video on Sister Aroha, check that out below.

Before this did you know who Sister Aroha and Mother Theresa was?

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Emma Twigg

Today even though we are in lockdown I finished my Emma Twigg DLO. I made a Biteable, Biteable is kind of like a google slide. Though you have moving slides and transitions for just about anything and everything.

Emma Twigg is a New Zealand Rower, and Olympic Gold Medalist. For anymore information you will have to look down below.

Had you heard of Emma Twigg before? I hope you like it.

Monday 2 August 2021

Volleyball - Olympic Sport

 Today I have finished my Olympic sport information report. 

I chose Volleyball because it is kind of a sport I don't know anything about. The only thing I knew going into this report was that they played with a net, and hit a ball back and forth. The information I found out was rather interesting, like how William G. Morgan originally named the sport Mintonette. Though a Professor suggested Volleyball because of the Volleying nature of the sport.

3 sentences I found rather important.

  • That volleyball was created for businessmen, because at the time basketball was rather new. Though businessmen found basketball a bit to rough, so William made volleyball for them.
  • Something I especially found interesting is that the first ever time volleyball was on the Olympics was in Tokyo, 1964. How ironic because this Olympics going on currently is also in Tokyo, and volleyball is still being played.
  • Something also important in the sports rules is that you can actually pass to your other teammates 3 times, maximum. Then you have to bat it over the net.
If I ever post my information report onto my blog, make sure to read it.
Have you ever played volleyball?


 Today for R.E. and prayers I made a google drawing on what Compassion is. Compassion is helping others and not expecting anything in return. For example: Giving money to the poor or homeless, or donating money to a charity.

We also did watch a short clip on compassion. I have put it down below.