Tuesday 21 May 2019

Meal chips

Today we did more work on persuasive work only if you finished your other work.
We had to make another persuasive poster but this time we had to make up a new type of product,
I did a new brand of chips I named them meal chips because one single chip has the taste of a full course meal there are many different flavours.
The flavours are
-mashed potatos
-chip flavoured chip
-bubble gum
-roast turkey
That is all the flavours each more yummy then the last.
If you buy one you get a 0% discount I know it sounds wrong but we are not giving chips here and there we are very sophisticated company please buy one now we will be sending them out on the 25 of November from Countdown.

Public or Private information

W.A.L.T:understand public and private information.

Today we did work on Public and private and we had to identify what is public and private we had to highlight the private information in red and the public in green if we we not sure we just had to highlight it either yellow or orange.
The poster was talking about where they lived or how old they were and then we highlighted what it was.

Once we had finished that we got into a group of two me and Jaimie went in sat in room three, we wrote about a fake character and all about that person it was not real but we had to say stuff like,
where they live or there best friend but we had to write public and private  information in the story.
My fake name was Diana Sprinklespout and she went to South Chicago Academy.

Can you identify which is public and private?

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Persuasive writing (Chromebook)

Today with Miss Holland we did some work on using persuasive language and we had to make a google drawing on why she should buy a Chromebook and we had to persuade her. We had to give her reason like buy one get none free (and no I did not spell one wrong I mean none), it was the most fun all week and I enjoyed it more than doing PowToons.

 I think I did a pretty good job persuading her. In my list of things to persuade her I said that you will look cooler than Tom Cruise and things like your brain will explode and I have a really cool background.

public vs private information

 Today with Mark we did more on private and personal we did an activity where we had to place pictures and had to place them in a box there was a private box and a personal box it was heaps of fun.

Max, Charlee and I got the same spot for all the objects, the options were like what is your favourite food or your pets name or even what its your email address.

Once we had finished that we did either a Pow Toon, slide or a google drawing I did a google slide and it was heaps of fun

Wednesday 8 May 2019

R.E. Advocate, Comforter and Spirit!

Today in class we were doing some r.e. we went in pairs I went with Tallulah and we had to do this activity where we had to explain if the Holy Spirit was the comforter, advocate or the spirit  and with different reasons.

In the bible scriptures John was referring to different people (or thing) and we had to right down the reason and which one was he talking about (spirit, comforter or the advocate).

For the first and second one John was talking about 2 different characters the first one was the comforter and the second was the spirit.
(The rest of them were mainly the spirit and the advocate.)

The advocate is like a comforter but the advocate was not comforting all it did was say the spirit will come when I leave, the advocate also supports the man.

The spirit is like the a replacement for the comforter and the advocate, but twice as good.

The comforter is the person who is says comforting words and makes the person better.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Who is Mark Maddren?

Today we did Cybersmart with Mark from Core education.
We did kind of  a treasure hunt to find private information about Mark Maddren it was fun most of us could not find his home number,where he lives and how old he is I found another Mark Maddren and it said that he was 55 but that was not true.
I found his kids, a picture of him and his work number and where he works.👍
We also learnt what private and personal information meant we learnt that we should not give away information about our birth dates, address, home number and age.
Our class learnt some things that you give away are okay like your favourite food or maybe your pet it also could be your absolute favourite movie that stuff is okay because no one can figure out where you live because that is useless information and you can not be tracked down without private information.
Public information is technically the same thing as personal information because that is open to the public.
Sometimes you may instead make some of your personal private that would be probably because you do not want something to be seen and that is okay anything you want to keep private is private.
Some people don´[t even want to be on the internet and that is okay to.