Monday 29 June 2020

What I like to do in the different seasons

W.A.L.T. Explain how the seasons are another sign of God's love and presence.
For R.E. today I finished off my google drawing on the seasons. I just had to add my own picture.
What is your favourite season?

Sunday 28 June 2020


W.A.L.T. Trace an image using the correct tools on google drawing.
For Cybersmart today I traced a pineapple. The little squares where hard because they kept stopping and I had to restart all the time.
I really enjoyed tracing because it was very fun.
Here is my pineapple I hope you like it.
What is some feedback you can give to me?
On the right side is the original image and the left side is the one I made.
You probably all ready knew that though.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Short division strategy

W.A.L.T. Divide using short division.
For Math today I did a video on how to do short division. I hope that it helps.
Can you do long division?

My Narrative

W.A.L.T. write an engaging narrative.
Here is my full narrative, it is about a Pony called Spy Pony.
I have finished my story as well as the editing.
I liked writing the story because it has character.
Do you like make believe stories?

Spy Pony!
Bang! Bang!, “Come on Pony open up.” Spy Pony gets up off the couch. Though he moved
as slow as a snail. His ruby red cape  was all creased. Spy Pony is a superhero pony. His
mother was Hoove Lady. Hoove Lady was very famous for the incredible save. A baby hippo
weighing 100 pounds once fell out of a 5 story window. She was just walking to get lunch when
the baby hippo fell, she caught the baby. It was the save of the century.  
Spy Pony also known as Pony was very odd. He wore a sock around his head as a mask, he dyed
his tail blue. Most of all he could talk. But that is not strange compared to what happens later on in
the story. 

Ponies house was like the opposite of a modern house.  It was like a little shack but big. His carpet
had holes in it from when Super Evil Kitty stayed over. She sprayed acid everywhere. Evil Kitty also
left claw marks on the couch. The couch was a rustic colour with burgundy patterns. Ponies roof was
the worst of all, it was very patchy and open.
“Pony I don’t have all day, open the door.” Pony reached the door, he very slowly unlocked the security
chain and opened the door. Evil Iguana burst in and knocked poor Pony off his feet. 
“Whatever, sorry Pony” said Iguana. “I have to stay here, Mrs Evil Iguana is going to kill me,” Iguana
added frantically.”  Iguana had green scales with little spikes on his back. He was not a superhero, he
was a villain. Pony didn’t mind Iguana that much. Though Bird Boy despised him. Bird Boy once was
the best superhero ever, now he has critical injuries. Iguana once ate his bony legs. He had to get
robotic legs.

“I accidentally knocked over her award for being Evil. She found out and is now carrying a blow torch
looking for me.” Iguana added. “Just apologise Iguana” Said Pony trying to get Iguana out of the house.
“Nope, I live here now.” Pony sighed with a big huff and went to grab some cola. He came back out
and crashed back on the couch. They talked about Global Warming and how they are cutting down
on hay prices.

Then Iguana got off the couch and noticed Sally bobbing up and down in her bowl. Sally was a blue
sparkly seahorse, and was the cutest pet of them all.  Iguana kept his eye on Sally then as he was
inches away from Sally’s bowl, he licked his lips. Sally stood intimidated by Iguana and started
crouching in the corner. Iguana’s hand crept into the bowl and pulled out Sally by the tail. He
opened his mouth. His throat was gravelly and he dropped Sally in his gravelly throat. Sally
soared down yelping like a lost dog.  
Iguana started choking and Pony tried to get Iguana to cough out Sally but he refused.

Then Pony got Iguana to go to the bathroom, he told Iguana to sit on the toilet and try to poop out Sally.
Pony eagerly slammed the bathroom door and bounced to the couch. After maybe 13 minutes
of groaning from the bathroom and carrot shreds flying on the ground, Iguana came out. A piece
of toilet paper was stuck to his foot. Pony slightly shifted his head to look at Iguana. “Any luck Iguana?”
Asked Pony, not very inquisitive though. “Nope, lunch has set at the bottom of my stomach”.
Chuckled Iguana. 

Once Pony finished brainstorming ideas he came up with some options.
  1. We get a surgeon to cut open your stomach and we retrieve Sally.
  2. You sneeze with your nose blocked and you turn inside out and Sally falls to the ground.
  3. The only negative is that all your organs fall out to.
  4. Last but not least, I put my hoof down your throat and pull out Sally.
 “I chose the throat, but there is another way to retrieve Sally by putting up my hoof, but that
will be the very last option” Said Pony desperately.

“Yeah, Pony we are not doing the first two.” “Number 3 it is.” Pony hesitated. Pony sanitised
his hoof and pulled back Iguana’s head and stuck his hoof down his throat. “This is me literally
touching a tuna fish salad right now.” gulped Pony. Iguana groaned and complained a lot.
Unfortunately after 14 tries they gave up. “That was like a taser down my throat.” Pony
re-sanities his hooves and then re- re-sanitises his hooves. 
Then it came to Pony. “I have got the best idea in the world!” exaggerated Pony.

Pony and Iguana arrived at the pet store and went straight to the fishy section. There she was
a blue sparkly Seahorse all alone. Iguana rushed to the counter and ordered the Seahorse,
where Pony shrugged along. After 10 minutes Pony finally reached the counter.He was huffing
and puffing all the way there, by the end he was exhausted. His face was bright red and he looked
like he needed an inhaler. 
Iguana shoved Pony to the side and grabbed a plastic bag for Sally 2.0. The lady at the counter
had a strong smell of bubble gum. She had a lip piercing and a big chin hair. She wasn’t too
enthused to sell them a fish. They fished out Sally from the tank and put her in a bag that was
filled with water. 

Once at home they put Sally 2.0 in her new bowl and gave her some fish flakes. They
slouched back on the couch. “Well, that was something new,” said Iguana. “Something new,”
Pony replied with. “Also Pony, you need to go to the gym if you want to put me in prison”.
“Hahahahahaha Iguana, very funny. Very funnnnnyyyyy”.

The End

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Answering more Stormbreaker questions

W.A.L.T. Answer questions about my book using full sentences.
Here are some different questions about my book.

Q. Why does Alex decide not to use the air plane radio to call the police from the air plane.
A. He doesn't use the radio because Mr. Grin was at the controls.

Q. What does Mr. Grin do when Alex parachutes out  of the plane.
A. Mr. Grin turns the plane around and tries to catch Alex.

Q. How has Alex planned ahead for how Mr. Grin tries to stop him?
A. Alex leaves the Bomber Boy cartridge in the plane and clicks the start button 3 times.

Q. What does everyone think Sayle means when he says, "Prime Minister alone who is responsible for what is about to happen."
A. They think he is ever being totally nice or that he is crazy.

Q. What does Sayle actually mean by this?
A. I think he actually means that the Prime Minister brought this on himself, by bullying Sayle as a kid. And that the actions that the Prime Minister did actually affected Sayle for the rest of his life.

Q. How does Alex stop Sayle from releasing the viruses?
A. He shoots the mouse that launches the virus.

Q. What happens to Alex when he leaves MI6?
A. He catches a cab and hops in, it turned out to be Sayle and he had a gun. Alex had to go with him other wise Sayle would shoot his spin.

Q. Who saves Alex and how do they save him?
A. Yassen was the pilot of the helicopter and he was going to pick up Sayle, but he ended up shooting him before Sayle was able to shoot Alex.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Last chapters of Stormbreaker

For Reading I finished reading Stormbreaker. The one about the spy's. I liked reading this book because it was filled with adventure and excitement.
For one of the tasks I was meant to do I was going to take a photo by realised it is probably to hard to see so I just wrote it down now. This task was about answering questions.

Answering Questions

Q. Explain Herod Sayle's Stormbreaker plan and why he has decided to do this.
A. Sayle wanted to give all the school children in England a virus so they would die. Why? Because when Sayle was little he was called names and bullied, also the main person that bullied him was a rich boy who turned into the Prime Minister.

Q. Why does Alex tell Sayle everything?
A. Otherwise Sayle would have killed him straight away.

Q. How does Nadia Vole trick Alex?
A. She says that she worked with Ian Rider, then she lets Alex go and they run to get a mobile phone in Nadia's office, but then she says that Alex should go ahead because she gets tired. Alex turns back at one stage just as Nadia pulls a lever which sends Alex through the floor straight into the jellyfish tank.

Q. Explain how Alex escapes the Jellyfish tank.
A. He uses the zit cream (which is actually a cream that can break through metal) along the sides which are iron and then the tank bursts open.

Q. Why do you think the alarm goes off when Alex leaves the room?
A. I think the alarm goes off because either the jellyfish got out of its tank or because someone opened the door without a security check.

Q. What times is it when Alex escapes from the jellyfish?
How long does he have until the Stormbreakers are turned on?
A. He escapes the tank at  just before eleven 'o' clock, which gives him and about an hour to stop the launch of the Stormbreakers.

Another Snippet of my writing

Here is another paragraph from my story to go with the other 2.
Soon I will post my hole entire story to my blog.
Do you like my story so far?

Then Pony got Iguana to go to the bathroom, he told Iguana to sit on the toilet and try to poop out Sally. Pony eagerly slammed the bathroom door and bounced to the couch. After maybe 13 minutes of groaning from the bathroom and carrot shreds flying on the ground, Iguana came out. A piece of toilet paper was stuck to his foot. Pony slightly shifted his head to look at Iguana. “Any luck Iguana?” Asked Pony, not very inquisitive though. “Nope, lunch has set at the bottom of my stomach”. Chuckled Iguana.

Monday 22 June 2020

Wonderful World

W.A.L.T. Recognise that people can experience God's creation through their senses & name ways people can experience God's creation through their senses.
For R.E. today I made a google drawing on one thing that I appreciate something God made in nature. The way we chose what thing we appreciate is by reading a scripture by Psalms. Here is the link to the scripture, go on it and pick a key word to do with nature and try to make a DLO on why you appreciate it. Don't forget a DLO, is like a slideshow, google drawing, poster (on paper), powtoon, Canva.
I chose animals, animals to me are so awesome because they are cute, help produce food, and keep the animal population alive as well as so much more.
Ways that you can experience God's creations are by:
- Going to parks and admiring the nature.
- Playing with animals.
- planting things to help them grow into big trees or beautiful flowers, which produce seeds to make more flowers.
What thing do you admire most from nature that God created? Is it the trees, plants, animals, sky, sea and ocean?
Here is my google drawing I hope you like, are you going to make your own?

Thursday 18 June 2020

New Strategy

This screencastify shows you how to work out multiplication with bigger numbers.
Do you know how to do it already?

Tuesday 16 June 2020

My book cover

Since I wrote my narrative I thought I would make a book cover for it.
I used Canva. I also made book covers for my friends. Here are the ones I made.
Do you like them? Have you ever used Canva?
This one is mine

This one is Kade's

This one is Arnaika's

This is Kata's

Finally this is Charlotte's

Monday 15 June 2020

A 2nd snippet of writing

Here is another snippet of my writing, well it is just another paragraph from my story.
Do you like it?

Then Iguana got off the couch and noticed Sally bobbing up and down in her bowl. Sally was a blue sparkly seahorse. Iguana kept his eye on Sally then as he was inches away from Sally’s bowl, he licked his lips. Sally stood intimidated by Iguana and started crouching in the corner. Iguana’s hand crept into the bowl and pulled out Sally by the tail. He opened his mouth. His throat was gravelly and he dropped Sally in his gravelly throat. Sally soared down yelping like a lost dog.  
Iguana started choking and Pony tried to get Iguana to cough out Sally but he refused.

Thursday 11 June 2020


This is a video to help you times decimals.
I did 2 different equations, I hope this helps. Did you already know how to do decimals?

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Super Stormbreaker book cover

For Reading today I created a book cover on Canva. The book cover was for my book Stormbreaker, here it is do you like it?


For reading today I did an image on how I visualised Herod Sayle enterprises. Do you like it?


For Religious Education today I finished off my reliable DLO, It had images definitions and examples. Here is my slideshow. Do you like it?

My snippet of writing

With Writing this week I did my narrative here is a little paragraph from my writing. It is a work in progress. I hope you like it.
Spy Pony
Bang! Bang!, “Come on Pony open up.” Spy Pony gets up off the couch. His ruby red cape all creased.
Spy Pony is a superhero pony. His mother was Hoove Lady. Spy Pony also known as Pony was very
odd. He wore a sock around his head as a mask, he died his tail blue. And most of all he could talk. 

“Pony I don’t have all day, open the door.” Pony reached the door, he very slowly unlocked the security
chain and opened the door. Evil Iguana burst in and knocked poor Pony off his feet. “Whatever, sorry
Pony” said Iguana. “I have to stay here, Mrs Evil Iguana is going to kill me. I accidentally knocked over
her award for being Evil. She found out and is now carrying a blow torch looking for me.” “Just apologise
Iguana” Said Pony trying to get Iguana out of the house. “Nope, I live here now.” Pony sighed with a big
huff and went to grab some cola. He came back out and crashed back on the couch. They talked about
Global Warming and how they are cutting down on hay prices.

Herod Sayle

For Reading I did a mind map on Herod Sayle. A character in my book. Here is my mind map. If you can't see it that well then can you can tell me in the comments.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Virtues I am

W.A.L.T. Understand how to grow in virtues of God
For Religious Education today we made a DLO about what virtues I am. We had to pick five. So far I have put accepting and reliable. It is a work in progress. What five would you pick for your own virtues you are? Here is my DLO, I hope you like it.