Thursday 30 September 2021

Collective Nouns

Today I made a poster on Canva. It was about Collective Nouns, a noun is like a Cat or a Dog. Collective Nouns are about a group of things, like a Swarm. A swarm is a group of bees, a swarm of bees. I wrote 10 examples of collective nouns, I hope you love it. Do you know any other examples?


Thursday 16 September 2021

Sound of Music Hand Signs

 Today I did the hand signs to sign of music. It has different colours for different actions, and it has the song version off of Sound of Music. Have you seen the movie? 

The song is on the slide, line for slides.

Homographs, Homophones, Antonyms

 Today for Writing I made 2 google drawings. 1 is for homographs, the other antonyms and homophones.

Look beneath for what they all mean.

Homophones = Words that sound the same but have a different meaning and spelling. 

Example = Mail & Male.

Homographs = Words that are spelt the same, with a different meaning and somethings said differently.

Example = A tear rolled down his face - He wanted to tear it up.

Antonyms = The opposite of words.

Example = Hot & Cold.

Have a look at my 2 google drawings.

My Orangutan Infographic

This past week a lot of my class have been making Orangutan infographics. We spent a lot of time on these. An infographic has to have images related to the topic, along with a decent amount of writing. So you have to edit a lot.

Did you know that it is said around 25 orangutans die a day. That means in 6 and a bit years, the orangutans will be extinct. Since there is around 50,000 to 65,000. I hope you like my infographic, is there anything that you would like to add?

The Beatitudes

 This is a post on the Beatitudes, a set of rules/law Jesus got on the Sermon of the Mount. There are 8 Beatitudes, my activity is to find people that showed these 8 things, 1 person for each beatitude.

The 8 Beatitudes

- Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

- Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

-  Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

- Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

- Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

- Blessed are pure in heart, for they shall see God.

- Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children.

- Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Who else showed the beatitudes?

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Multiply Whole Numbers by Decimals

 Today for Math I made a poster on how to multiply whole numbers by decimals. I broke down the equation 4 x 1.3 for you, this google drawing goes along with a voice recording as well. I hope you enjoy. Do you know any other strategies like algorithm to solve this?

Monday 13 September 2021

Synonyms and Proverbs

 For the past 2 days I have been working on Synonyms and Proverbs. A synonym is another word for something that means the same, for example, Small = Tiny. Also a proverb is a saying that is commonly known, like Don't count your chickens before they hatch. I made a google drawing, it clearly shows which half is for which, purple for Synonyms, pink for Proverbs. I hope you like it, do you know any other examples?

Thursday 9 September 2021


 Today I made a google drawing on what is volume and how to get to it. I want say too much about this so just have a look at it down below. There is also the video I learnt off of, if that does not work use this Link.

Did you originally know what volume was?

Tuesday 7 September 2021


 Today I did something like prefixes but instead suffixes. It was tons of fun. I learnt lots of new suffixes, I paired them with an image and then wrote and example. Along with the meaning. I put all this information on a slideshow. I hope you love it. Do you know any examples of the suffixes on the last page?

Children's War

 Today for Reading I answered to questions, wrote a small piece of writing on what it would be like not seeing my family on the casualty list. Also finding a matching image. I found this image not to hard, and mostly fun. I hope you like the story. You should write one yourself.

I scan the casualty list looking for any sign of my family. I don’t seem to see them, I slowly reach the end. I never saw them, that is a bit of relief though I really want to know if they are okay. This feeling keeps me up at night unsure of their status. We only receive a letter once or twice a month usually.

Monday 6 September 2021

The Children's War

 Today for Reading there are 3 parts to it. 1 is to write a short summary on what I wrote. 2 is to post a picture of what I did. Finally, I was to share what I think it would have been like to have been a child back then.


For around 4 years the War went on. New Zealand was being affected too, we gave around 14,000 soldiers to help fight. Most wanted to go for adventures, most just assumed they would be able to be back by Christmas. This was not the case, they spent a lot of time there. Most families had fathers, brothers and cousins in the war. The families kept up to date with what was happening in the war, through telegrams, letters, postcards and newspapers. Many kids waited for their families return. Though 1 in 5 men would not return home. 

During the War kids had to help by donating money, making scarves and handkerchiefs, and by sending cards along with the care parcels women made. The children also every morning sang songs as the Union Jack was raised. Then after some time, schools started creating cadet type things. To teach kids that you need to be fit and healthy on the inside and out. Also to get them to act like they are those people. The also had to learn through a journal for many reasons. Then after even more time, every school had to have a number of time for Physical Education.


What I think it would be like as a child back then
I think it would be really hard, family members over fighting. All of my friends going through the same thing. Classmates losing family and hearing lots got injured. It would be sad. Though when making cards and scarves you would feel slightly better to know that these are going out to those fighting.

What is on thing you know about the War?

Sunday 5 September 2021


 Today I made a google slides on examples and meaning of prefixes. It was fun, so I hope you like it.

Did you originally know what a prefix was?

Bible readings related to Abraham and Sarah

 Today for R.E. I watched some videos on Abraham and Sarah, I then had to look up these bible readings and write in my own words what they are about. It is down below I hope you like it. 

Do you the name of their son?

Thursday 2 September 2021

Fallen leaves Comic Strip

 Today for Reading, I made a comic strip using Pixton Comics, it was about the Haora and the Battle of Kororaeka. I did my best on it, though there were limited options. There are captions to help you read it, you will have to probably zoom, cause the writing is a bit small. Did you know about the Battle of Kororareka before?

Jesus in the Temple

Today for R.E. I was too pick an event in Jesus' life and then write a summary, create and image, and find a quote kind of related. I chose Jesus getting lost at the Temple. I found it really hard to find a quote, I tried my best. It took a lot of searching but I got something relating. It is on my main poster, in the blue underneath the writing. I didn't have enough space to put in my own image so I added another poster/image below that. I hope you like it. If you had to do this activity what event of Jesus' life would you chose.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

The Senses story

Today for Reading I did a Senses story from Haora's view. It means that I use the 5 senses to write a story. Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch, Hearing. I think I did a good job, have a look below this and read it. Tell me if you like it, do you like it?