Thursday 26 December 2019

National Treasure

If you read the title and are wondering what is a "National Treasure" is, I will tell you.
A National Treasure is someone or something that is important to a country.
For this activity we have to make a list of three things that are important to us.
For me the things that are important to me, aren't necessarily a thing like an item, more of living things.
My  List
My family, (my dog included)


What would you put on your own list?

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Changing my name

If I changed my name I do not know what I would change it too.
I like my name and have no clue what I would change it too anyway.
What would you change your too?
Do you want to change your name or keep yours the same?

Serena and Venus Williams

The two sisters both play tennis professionally, here are three facts about Serena and Venus.
Serena Williams ranks 1st in female tennis.
All together Serena ranks fifty-one behind 5 male tennis players.
Serena made $84M less then Roger Federer.

Venus ranks 5th out of female tennis.
In 2005, Venus won Wimbledon in what was the longest women's final in History.

Do you know one more fact about Venus Williams? 

A interview with Steven Adams

I have chosen for the Summer Learning Journey to interview Steven Adams. Not literally but if I had to interview a basketball player, Steven Adams.
Here are five questions I would ask Steven Adams.

How old were you went you first started playing basketball?

Do you miss living in New Zealand?

Why do you want play basketball in America instead of New Zealand?

If you did not play basketball, what other sport would you play?

When you were a kid was playing basketball professionally your dream job?

What basketball player would you pick? Why?
What questions would you ask him/her?

Superhero for a week

If I could be a Superhero for a week the 3 powers I would want are half reality and half imaginative.
Number one: Read peoples mind
It would be awesome you could read everything in the mind of someone, but imagine if you were on the other end. Someone else reading your mind, you would have no privacy.
Number two: The ability to read a text or book really fast
It might sound boring but you could get your homework done lightning speed. Once you have read the text for homework you can do other fun things.
Number Three: For the last one I do not really know.
What 3 powers would you want? why/why not?

When I was Brave

I was brave when I dived of the high diving board at Jellie Park.
In the end it was so much fun I did it again and again. I also did the smaller one, but I found the bigger one more fun.
When were you brave?

I, Neil Armstrong

Hi, I am Neil Armstrong and here is a poem about when I was the first to step foot on the Moon.
It is about what I was feeling.

Outrageously awesome

A sight that no one can replace

*even more nauseous than before
*Imagine, because you could not imagine anything prettier

Earhart & Batten

Amelia Earhart and Jane Batten are a little similar, they are both female Aviators.
As well they have both flown really long adventures.
Here is a Venn diagram on them.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Where my family comes from

Where my family comes from

       My Mothers Mother                                  My Mothers Father
       Christchurch, New Zealand                   Argentina/America

        My Fathers Mother                              My Fathers Father
        Greymouth, New Zealand                   Greymouth, New Zealand

         My Mother                                               My Father
        Christchurch, New Zealand                     Greymouth, New Zealand

Thursday 19 December 2019

My Ocean Voyage

If I was to go on an Ocean Voyage and could only take 10 items of food, I would take:
- can of beans
- muesli bar
- cookies
- fruit (sort of fruit that does not have to be kept in a fridge)
- Vegetables (ones that do not have to be kept in fridge)
- canned food
- bread
- spreads (marmite, peanut butter, jam, honey that sort of thing)
- chips
- cheese
what items would you bring?

Summary on Tropical Storm

Tropical storm summary

Tropical storms are called cyclones or Typhoons. Depending on where you live in the world.

When a cyclone strikes, buildings are flattened and trees get ripped out of the ground.
Cyclones form over warm Tropical oceans.
The surface temperature of the water must be at least 26.c before a cyclone can begin.
The cyclone consists of high-speed winds blowing in a circular fashion around a low-pressure centre.
This ring of low pressure is called the eye of the storm.

Cyclones generally move in a path resembling the curve of a parabola and in same direction as
the prevailing winds. The winds circulate in a clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere. 

Cyclone Tracy struck Darwin on Christmas day 1974. It was the most destructive cyclone in
Australia ́s history.

SPCA Charity Work

The SPCA is a Charity helping the animals in New Zealand. Animals that have been abused, abandoned, injured on sick. The SPCA helps 40,000 different animals every year. The SPCA is a wonderful Charity to help the sick or hurt animals find better homes and a new start in life.

Tuesday 10 December 2019


For the Summer Learning Journey Teaser week we had to create similes.
A simile uses like or as to make a comparison, An example: The ball streaked across the field like a meteor.

First simile
Usain Bolt is as fast as a cheetah.

Second simile
A giraffe is as tall as the Eiffel tower.

Third Simile
The pencil was as sharp as an arrow

fourth simile
The monkey was as loud as a siren

Do you have any other similes?

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Donald Trump and the wall

If Donald Trump asked me for opinion on the wall I would kind of disagree, I do not really see the purpose and if someone wants to cross the border, they should be able to cross the border.
Here is a little information about the wall and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump the president of the United States built a wall between Mexico and the U.S.A.
Donald Trump was elected as America ́s President in 2016, and promised he would put the wall
between U.S.A and Mexico.
Donald Trump wanted people to stop crossing the American-Mexican border.
Earlier this year a caravan came through the South and Central America on its way to the
American-Mexican border. The people were heading to America to find jobs and better life.

Some people strongly agreed others strongly disagreed about the wall.
Do you agree or disagree?

Teaser wk Lorde

For the Summer Learning Journey since it is not the summer Holidays, we did a teaser which is sort of like a practice one. The first activity was to make a DLO on Lorde this is my DLO.
Do you like it?