Thursday 28 May 2020


For Reading today I did a summary and a storyboard about what happened at the breaker yard. I am not going to give away any spoilers so here is the summary. Are you able to see it clearly?

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Ian Rider

Ian Rider is Alex's uncle. Today I had to support some ideas on a slide.
Here are my supporting ideas. I hope you like them.


  •  Because when Alex went to the breaker yard he found his uncles car with bullet holes in the side of the car.
  • Because one guy from the bank was carrying a pistol.
  • because he has no more family members alive anymore 
  • since the housekeeper's visa is expiring and she isn't getting paid anymore. 

  •  3.  Ever since he had a very non bank folders in his work desk
  • Also because his boss carries around a pistol.  

Monday 25 May 2020


For Religious Education today I made a slideshow on Mary with facts. The whole task explanation is on the slideshow, second slide.
Do you like it?

Alex Rider

For Reading today I did a mind map on Ian Rider and drew a picture of him.
You probably can't read the bubbles so I wrote what they said just below.

The first one in the top left corner says: He actually doesn't work for a bank, because he had very strange folders in his office desk.

In the top right corner it says: He was actually shot instead of being in a car crash.

Beneath the top right corner says: Ian was kind of a sentimental guy. He didn't tend to show it but at his work office there was an image of Alex to prove it.

Beneath the top left corner it has: Ian worked at Royal and General.

Finally the last one has: Ian worked for Mr (Alan) Blunt.

Here is an image I drew of Ian Rider.

Murray Mustachio

W.A.L.T. Analyse characters and create a description
For Writing today I wrote 3 paragraphs explaining my shoemaker of choice. There were 2 shoemakers to choose from a tall evil one and a nice short one. I chose nice. Then I had to make an image. The 3 paragraphs are first so you can imagine him and then there is the picture.
I hope you enjoy it, once you have read the text and seen the picture can you add anymore description of the character?
Write the description in the comments, thanks for checking out my blog:)

Hi There reader,
This is a story I wrote about my friend Murray Mustachio. He owns a shoe shop in Paris. You will
find all about him in my 4 paragraphs. In the paragraphs you will find out what games he plays, his
family, shop and his appearance. Keep reading on to find out more.

Murray Mustachio is the owner of shoes for yous. He could not think of any other fitting rhyming word.
He makes all the great shoes that last longer than that grouchy man across the road. In Murray's spare
time he likes to play knucklebones with his shoe pals. He tends to beat them normally since they
always get the knucklebone stuck in the hole where you put your foot in. He also likes to play jump rope
with the spare shoe laces in his shop. His record is about 3 so far. His friend Boot can jump 8. Where
his Jordan can only do about… 35. He keeps practicing his jump rope but every time he lands on the
rope all the shoes laugh, especially the pink high heel. He is great with his games. He also just started
learning how to play the tuba, and he introduced a new game to the shoes. It is called jump squats. He
jumps and then squats, then he laughs as the shoes fall on their souls.

Murray isn’t much of a family man, he barely remembers when his own mother's birthday is. Luckily
his sister Evelyn-Peterson (yes here first name is Evelyn-Peterson. She goes by Petey though)
reminds him because they always do a joint gift. Normally, Murray makes a pair of shoes and Petey
makes the card. Petey will sign for Murray as well and Murray will put her initials along with his on the
soul. They make a great team, together. Murray’s father, James is an old rude guy. He despises
Evelyn-Peterson. Which is sad because she is as sweet as a gum drop. He says that she needs to
get a job instead of being a makeup artist. He also said that she wasn’t going to have a life if all she
did was put cosmetics on peoples faces. Where their Mom says that she is going to strive for greatness
and she will make a great career and be loved by all the ugly people.

Murray’s shop is a very old shop. It was built in the 1800’s by an 1800 year old tree chopper.
The house has a lot of rusty pieces though. He lives there so there is a kitchen in the back but it is
all stained and has mold in every single crack in sight. The mold had a growth spurt.
The rats don’t even tend to go in the kitchen because it is covered in decay. The shelfs that hold all
the shoes have holes from where the termites chewed down on. His shop is the size of a hobbit hole
where his bedroom is the kitchen. The maximum capacity is 3 at a time. They always do family
reunions in England where his parents live because they have a huge mansion. They don’t give money
to their kids though, they put it in an inheritance.

Finally Murray’s appearance.

Murray has a thick moustache, hence the name Mustachio. It comes from the dads in the
Mustachio family. His glasses are square lense glasses with stiff borders. Don’t get me started on his
hair. His hair is swished to all degrees and it is dark hazel. With his shoes they are brown with a pointy
front and a high heel at the back. Now with his eyebrows that is a whole nother story. They are like thin,
brown icing stripes which match his brown eyes. He wears a crisp blue button up shirt with a brown old

Wednesday 20 May 2020

The shoemakers

W.A.L.T. Analyse characters and compare them
For Writing today I did a Venn Diagram which is a diagram that compares things. Like the evil shoemaker and the little shoemaker. They also have a similarities spot in the middle. Here is my Venn diagram. What would you compare in a Venn Diagram?

Tuesday 19 May 2020


For Religious Education today I answered question about Jesus's Ascension.
Here is a screenshot of my work.
You might not be able to see the image to much so if you can't please tell me in the comments.

Even more ancient Olympics

With Reading today I did a main idea and supporting idea activity.
Here is a screenshot. I found the main idea was to compare the ancient Olympics with the modern Olympics. And then I showed supporting ideas which were in the text.
Are you related to anyone who was in the ancient Olympics or modern Olympics?

More Ancient Olympics

W.A.L.T. Compare and contrast.
For Reading today I filled in a slide and then I had to pick my favourite question and make a picture for it. All the information about my work is on the google drawing.

Ancient Olympics

W.A.L.T. Compare and contrast
For Reading today I finished off my google drawing about ancient Olympics. I had to include 8 facts. Here is my google drawing. Did you know there was only one winner for the ancient Olympics?

Monday 18 May 2020

Word problem working out

W.A.L.T. Add using integers
For Math yesterday I did word problems. Now I have to make a blog post on one equation I did.
I chose to do this one:
 Room 1 raised a total $63.12. They want to divide it equally between four charities. How much will they give to each charity?
So I started with 60 and divided it by 4. 60 divided by 4 = 15. Because 4 lots of 15 make 60.
Then I got the 3. I did 75+75=1.50 Then I did 1.50 + 1.50 to get 3.00.
So then you have 15 dollars and 75 cents. But now we do the 12 cents. First do 12 divided by 4 which equals 3. So plus 3 cents to the 75 to get 78 cents and then the answer is $15.78.
Do you know an easier way?

Sunday 17 May 2020

Prediction on Twin Spin

Twin Spin by Adam Cece - ISBN: 9781760272951 (SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA ... 
 I got my duffy books today.
I have to do a prediction on what I think is going to happen.
I think that the kids are going to swap places to get out of things they do not want to do. But then it will all back fire on them and trouble will start. They will agree to things for the other twin and then they will not be able to attend them and then they end up blowing people off.
That is my summary of the book Twin Spin by Adam Cece.
Thanks for reading do you have a summary on any of your own books?
Do you receive any duffy books?

Thursday 14 May 2020

Coordinates for a buddy

W.A.L.T. Describe locations and give directions using grid references.
For Math today I made a google drawing that had coordinates on it. I had to share it with a buddy. We share it with a buddy so the buddy can find the coordinates that I made.
Here is the google drawing. Can you spot any of the coordinates?

The next video game

W.A.L.T. Apply what you have read into a new context
For Reading today I created a video game type thing. I don't want to spoil it because all the information is on the picture below. If you were to create a future video game what would you make?
I made the picture quite big so you can read it better.

Figurative Language

W.A.L.T. Identify different figurative language features
For Writing this morning I made a slideshow on 8 different kinds of figurative language.
It has... Onomatopoeia, Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, rhyme, imagery and alliteration.
There are definitions, example and a picture for each one.
The last slide actually has one of my favourite songs. It is Sunkissed by Khai Dreams. I had to highlight the figurative language in the song. Here is my DLO, I don't want to give away anymore spoilers.

Wednesday 13 May 2020


For drop everything and read today, I read a book called National Geographic Kids Ultimate Weird but True. It is so cool.
I found out that May 14, which is today is National Chicken dance day. Isn't that a coincident. So you better start dancing.
What book are you reading at the moment? Do you know how to do the chicken dance?


For Religious Education today I said....
The Holy Spirit came down as a dove in Spanish.
Here is the video of me saying it.
Can you say anything in Spanish?

More Pokemon

W.A.L.T. Apply what you have read into a new context.
For Reading today I did a slide, that I put information about Pokemon History into it.
Here it is, What do you know about Pokemon?


W.A.L.T. Identify what alliteration is an show an example
For Writing I made a google drawing about alliteration. An example of alliteration is:
Polly likes pears or Peter played ping pong.
Do you know any others?
Here is my google drawing I hope you like it :)

Tuesday 12 May 2020


For drop everything and read today I read Big Nate From the top.
Which is about a boy named Nate and sort of like what his days are like. They are comics as well, which are always fun to read. I read it on Epic, an online reading site. I recommend that you read it if you can. It has great stories and there are heaps of different books based on Nate.

Reading Coordinates

For Math today I made a google drawing on how to read coordinates. I hope this helps, all the information you need to read coordinates are in the drawing. Tell me in the comments if this helped.


For R.E. today I watched 3 videos about Jesus's Baptism and then I compared them and wrote about the similarities and differences. I also had to answer a question here is a picture of the similarities and differences. 

Pokemon Certificate

W.A.L.T. apply what you have read into a new context
For Reading today I made a certificate for Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon. I had to write why he got the certificate and give the award a name. Here is my certificate to Satoshi Tajiri.
Did you know Pokemon means Pocket Monsters? Tell me in the comments what other Pokemon facts you know.


W.A.L.T. Identify what rhyme is and show an example.
For Writing today I made a DLO on rhyme.
Rhyme is like rhyming words, here is an example: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Do you know anymore examples? Put them in the comments.
Here is my DLO

Monday 11 May 2020

Cool Coordinates

W.A.L.T. describe locations and give directions using grid references.
For Math today I made a google drawing about coordinates.
Coordinates are like directions, you follow them to get were you need to be. Like a map.
Have a look at my google drawing for a better example.
Once you read my instructions answer this question:
Do you know how to read coordinates now? If not explain why.


W.A.L.T. Identify the main idea
For Reading today I filled in a box which wanted me to write what the main idea was and supporting ideas. I think the main idea is that they are trying to teach people about the history of Pokemon and what went on before, during and after the games were released. Here is a screenshot. Once you have read the boxes tell me if you like it.


W.A.L.T. identify what imagery is and show an example
For writing today I made a DLO teaching people what imagery is. Imagery is when you use the five senses.
Here is my DLO. Do you know any examples of imagery?


With writing today I made a google drawing about what pronouns are. Do you know what a pronoun is? If you do not then have a look at my poster. It has a definition, and a pronoun in a sentence.

Sunday 10 May 2020

A recycled gift

For technology this week I made a storage holder out of a recycled milk bottle. I got the idea from a teachers website. I took photos from almost every angle and it is great for storing stationary in. What would you use it for?
If you made a recycled milk bottle gift, What would it be?


For my work on Korea I made some DLOs about Korea. There are stuff about...
Korean Cuisine, Korean traditional games, and stuff similar to that. Here are my DLOs.
What do you know about Korea?

Now that you know how to make Kimchi, would you make it?

Powerful Pokemon Facts

W.A.L.T. identify the most important information and share it with others
For Reading today I did a google drawing about Pokemon, Pokemon is a mobile game were you capture Pokemon as your pets. Have you ever played Pokemon Go? Pokemon Go is the mobile game, the creator Satoshi Tajiri created Pokemon after his childhood hobby, collecting insects. So then he added his love for video games.
Here is my DLO, do you know anything about Pokemon?
Can you name 3 Pokemon?
Do you think my google drawing is too crowded?


W.A.L.T. Identify what onomatopoeia is and show an example
For writing today I did a google drawing for onomatopoeia. If you are wondering how to pronounce it here it is broken done: ono - mat - o - pea. Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like what it means.
It can be found in songs and stories.
Do you know any examples for onomatopoeia?
Here is my google drawing

Thursday 7 May 2020

Creative Writing

W.A.L.T. Write using figurative language
For Writing today we had to write a story with...
3 similes, 2 metaphors, 5 personifications, 3 hyperboles and 600 words. Mine is about a business lady who has a mean as cousin called Sheila. I do not want to give to many spoilers so you can read my story down below. My story had 667 words and around 3 to 4 thousand characters.
Here is my story.

Margo sat in her corner office and she was very sad. Her face was covered in drizzled rain drops.
Aleisha came over to her desk and wiped her eyes with a tissue. Aleisha handed Margo a Chai Latte
with extra foam, just how Margo likes it. Margos got snot all over the lid of the Chai Latte. The coffee
lid started crying ¨why?, why? why?¨Aleisha's face was like a tomato, it was that bright. Aleisha noticed
that Margo still hadn't opened the office curtains. Aleisha opened one at a time and the sun glared through
the blinds at Margo. Aleisha finally realized what was wrong with Margo. Margo had been reading a letter,
it was from her cousin Sheila. Sheila is as rude as Dracula on Valentine's Day. Aleisha reads the letter
and this is what it says.

Dear Little Cuz
I really miss you, well I do not miss you but Mum made me say it.
It was so unfair I could have screamed my house down.
I know you are the one who told my Mum I work at an underwear store, and I will never forgive you. 
I just wanted to let you know you are not invited to my christmas party.
Your whole family  is invited but not you, I just wanted to let you know.
I might let  you come to my birthday party, probably not though.
From Big Cuz

Aleisha scrunches up the letter and throws it into the trash. She is Lebron James.
It literally went right in instantly. That cheered Margo up a lot. She was laughing and cheering non-stop.
Aleisha and Margo decide to write a letter back to Sheila this is how it goes:

Dear Sheila
I have decided to be mature about this.
I understand how you feel and I hope I can make things better and gain your trust again.
Probably not today or tomorrow but maybe sometime. I give my best wishes and hope to see you again.
Tell my family I said Hi and tell them I will catch up with them at Liza's birthday party. Please forgive me, 
I am very ashamed that I have hurt you. 
I cried so much I could sink the Titanic.
From Little Cuz

It made Margo feel a whole lot better than she did before. She even ordered a Chai Latte extra extra foam.
She took a sip and said ¨This is as foamy as the clouds on a sunny day¨. Aleisha laughed.
They got a fright when the trees started scratching on the window. Margo spilled her Chai Latte down
her new power suit. She was a ray of sunshine when that happened, she had been dying to change out
of it into a summer dress in her office wardrobe. Then Robert Taylor strolled in and handed over an ipad
with a video footage on it. It showed a video of Kylie Smiley eating one of Margos macaroni and cheese
bites. Margo shouted over the intercom ¨Kylie Smiley report to the bosses office now¨ Kylie sprinted into
the office. ¨You are being suspended temporarily because you ate one of my macaroni and cheese bites
from Cheesy and Macs bite sized snacks. Do you hear me¨ ¨Yes, Ma´am. Suspended temporarily for
eating bosses food¨. Kylie sighs and droops her head as she walks out. Everyone starts laughing at
her because Margos elbow was accidently on the intercom button. Then this time the same trees
started knocking against the window and Margo fell off her seat and Aleisha jumped and crashed into a
filing cabinet. Margo yelled, ``Aleisha get those filing cabinets downstairs they take up too much space¨.
Aleisha replied with ¨but I am not your heavy movers group.¨ Margo snapped back ¨Then call them to
come and collect it¨. ¨right away Ma´am¨. 3 hours later the letter was glaring back at Margo making her
fell unsafe. So she threw the trash can out the window and got Aleisha to order a new one.
Do you like my story?

Maths Revision

W.A.L.T. Review what we have learnt.
For Math today we had to do this google slideshow that sort of shows what we have learnt. It is about angles, geometry and shapes. Do you know what the difference between 2D and 3D shapes are?
Here is my slideshow. Do you like?

My anime character

W.A.L.T. identify the most important information and share it with others
For Reading today I created my own animation character, the only rule was it had to have big eyes.
I have not added colour yet but once I do I will put it on my blog. My anime character likes to have longish hair, play rugby. In fact she broke her pinkie playing rugby. Do you like my character?
Tell me in the comments if you can see the picture good enough.

Wednesday 6 May 2020


W.A.L.T. Reflect and find lines of symmetry in shapes.
For Math today I made a google drawing, I cropped a flower in half and I made the other half with the tracing tool. Do you know any other objects I could have done symmetry for?
The line down the middle is called the line of symmetry. On one half is the original half and on the other is the flipped half.

Anime Timeline

W.A.L.T. identify the most important information and share it with others
For Reading today I filled in a timeline about the History of Anime. My favourite year was 2016 because I like Pokemon Go the best, but... I recon the most important would have to be 1963 when the first one was made.
Here is a screenshot of my work. What would be your favourite year?


W.A.L.T. Identify what a hyperbole is and show an example
For Writing today I made a google drawing about Hyperbole's. It included a picture, definition, 4 examples and a song example. Here is my DLO, Do you like the horse?

Tuesday 5 May 2020


W.A.L.T. identify what personification is and show an example.
For Writing today I did work on personification, and I made a DLO.
Do you know what personification is? If not this is the perfect DLO. This DLO has all the information you need to know about personification. The defintion, image, 4 examples, a song example.
Here it is.

Super Symmetry

W.A.L.T. reflect and find lines of symmetry in shapes.
For math today I did an online app about symmetry. What I had to do was draw a picture and on the bottom half it copied it to make it symmetrical. Here is a screenshot of my image.


W.A.L.T. identify the most important information and share it with others.
For Reading today I made an advertisement for why someone should work for anime industries. I added an anime eye and to text boxes. I hope you like it. Do you know anything about anime?

Monday 4 May 2020


W.A.L.T. identify what a metaphor is and show an example.
Writing, for writing today I had to create a DLO teaching others about metaphors. I had to include 4 examples, my own picture, a metaphor in a song and the definition. Making the picture was very fun but getting the shape was more difficult. I do not mind doing metaphors but I find doing similes easier, but learning metaphors would make it easier to use them though. Here is my DLO.
Do you think this would help others? Do you like the rainbow background? Do you like the cat? Do you think the cat should be smaller and the words bigger?


For Reading today I made a google drawing about Astroboy a Japanese animated character. I put my own image in and I added facts about Astroboy.
Here is my DLO. Do you know any other animated characters?

Sunday 3 May 2020


W.A.L.T.  identify the most important information and share it with others
For Reading today we got to pick out of 3 options what we want to read about this week.
I chose to do video games/anime. I had to read 2 slides and then make a digital learning object about 8 facts from the text. Do you know any facts about video games? Besides the ones on the DLO below.


W.A.L.T. reflect, rotate, translate and find lines of symmetry in shapes.
For Math today I was looking at reflection. I had to make a copy of a google slideshow and take a screenshot. The slideshow has pictures of a shape and a line we have to rotate the shape to make it look like a reflection, like in a mirror. A reflection is something that is flipped over to make the shape but opposite. Do you know now how to make a sandwich? My shape is the one in grey.

My arcade game

For technology this week we are to create a game for an arcade out of cardboard and recycled stuff. I made a shooting hoops game. There are 4 paper balls and a hoop, the aim of the game is to get as many balls into the hoop in a row. The game I made is called Swish, even though it doesn´t make a Swish sound I thought that name would fit perfectly. If you were to make a cardboard game what would you make? We had to submit the picture of the game with a drawing of what it was going to look like when it was being planned, and we also had to have an inspiration board. The inspiration board has to have stuff like facts about the games and pictures. I added an image of my game, the drawing I did and the slideshow I did for the inspiration board. Do you like the inspiration board?

Super Similes

W.A.L.T. Identify what a simile is and show an example.
For Writing today I had to create a digital learning object. I decided to go with a google drawing.
We had to have our own picture, 4 examples of a simile, a simile in a song and the definition of a simile. Some songs with similes are Diamonds by Rihanna, Special by Six60, wade in your waters by Common Kings and Happy by Pharrell Williams. Do you know any others? Here is my DLO. Do you like my pug in a mug?