Thursday 30 April 2020


W.A.L.T. Identify what a noun is.
For Writing today I had to fill out a slide and then make a DLO. My DLO explains....
What is a noun? How do you put a noun in a sentence?
Can you name any nouns?

Awesome ANZAC

W.A.L.T. Use the text to create new ideas.
For Reading today I was doing a slide on the Gallipoli battle. This slide is about...
I had to draw a vehicle that helps the soldiers get up the ANZAC Cove cliffs. Here is a picture of the slide. What would you design for the soldiers? Remember they have to get up a steep cliff.


W.A.L.T. Move a shape from one point to another without changing the shape, direction or size.
For Math today we were doing another Tessellation. I tried to get my tessellation to look like a weaved pattern sort of thing,  but the colours I chose did not go with each other. What is a tessellation?

Wednesday 29 April 2020


For Quick write today I wrote a very long story in my book. It was about a girl named Rebecca who sits by herself at lunch and then Bree comes over and sits beside her and then they become best friends. What story are you writing lately? Are you writing a story lately?

Silent reading

For silent reading today I read a comic called Big Nate From the top. It was about a boy around 11 who hates school, always gets into detention, has a very messy locker and makes fun of his teachers.
I enjoyed the part where his Dad took him to get a Back to School outfit. The dad kept picking plaid and brown jeans. Then Nate went to try on blue ripped jeans his dad said he is not  paying for jeans that are already ripped but then the played tug of war with them and then the lady made him pay for a split pair of ripped jeans.
Every page is a different comic strip so I do not know what will happen next with Nate.


W.A.L.T. move a shape from one point to another without changing the shape, direction or size.
For Math today I had to make another Tessellation. At the bottom I put my tessellation. Have you made a tessellation before? What colours did you use? Was it fun? Would you make another one?

How to take care of a dog

For writing yesterday I did an infographic on hot to look after a dog. It was fun making it.
Do you have a dog?

The Battle of Gallipoli Pt 2

W.A.L.T. analyse and organise our information.
For Reading today we had to slide 8 and fill in that. It is like a timeline from the landing to how we remember the soldiers and health people. I did a screenshot for the slide. Do you have anything to add on?

Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Battle Of Gallipoli

W.A.L.T. Understand ideas in a text.
For Reading today we are to create a DLO that lists 10 facts about the Battle of Gallipoli.
I found it fun looking through the text to try and find it. Here is my slideshow. Do you have any family members that went to the Gallipoli war?

Monday 27 April 2020


For Technology yesterday I made a chain reaction.
My materials I used for my chain reaction are listed below.
1- Dominoes
2- Marble
3- Bucket
4- Toy Car
How did it work?
My brother pushed the car which hit the dominoes making them topple on each other. Then the last domino pushes the marble into a bucket below the table.
Here is a video of my chain reaction.
Do you know what a chain reaction is?

Thursday 23 April 2020


For D.E.A.R. today I read a book on veterinarians, sine that is what  want to be when I am older.
The book I read on Epic was about....
What some veterinarians do (Like f they deal with cats and dogs or with cattle and sheep, that sort of thing). It also talked about the life of a veterinarian.
I ended up finishing the book today. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Math reflection

W.A.L.T. Describe different angles and their roles in rotation.
What have I enjoyed in geometry this week?
This week I enjoyed doing work on the protractor. I liked playing the protractor activity where I had to figure out the degrees.
What I want to do in geometry next week?
I am unsure on what I want to do next week for geometry.
Do you like geometry?


W.A.L.T. Evaluate the text to form an opinion.
For Reading today we are to complete slide 11 and 12. Slide 11 was..... to fill in some questions and a disagree and agree sheet sort of thing. Slide 12 is.......  Is to create a t-shirt about poppies.
What do you know about poppies?

Wednesday 22 April 2020


W.A.L.T. Describe different angles and their roles in rotations.
For Math today we are to do a worksheet on protractors and what degrees they are indicating. We also had to make a digital learning object to teach people about how to use a protractor. Protractors are great at helping you work out the degree of an angle. You put the vertex of the shape into a little hole and then line up the angle with the zero mark. Here is my digital learning object (DLO). Do you know how to use a protractor?

ANZAC Poppies

W.A.L.T: Organise information
For Reading today we are to complete slide 9 and 10 about poppies. We had to put the dates in order and talk about something that happened in that date. We had to screenshot our slides and make this blog post. What do you know about Poppies?

Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Land of Stories Worlds Collide

Today for Drop Everything And Read I read.... The Land of Stories Worlds Collide.
This chapter I read to day was about:
Conner and Bree got everyone into there seats ready t take flight. Bree said ¨Conner I have something to say it is very serious¨ ¨go on Bree I can handle anything¨. ¨Okay so when I went to Connecticut Emmerich and I went to a castle. At the castle there was a mirror, Mother Goose had put a spell on the portal so anyone who didn´t have magic in their blood couldn´t come back through the portal. Emmerich and I went through the portal together but we were both able to come back. So I went to see my family in Connecticut and talked to them. They said I was related to the Brothers Grimm. And it was true. Since Emmerich is my cousin she made it through. My family also has a group called the sisters Grimm and they can create portals from the Fairy-tale world to the Otherworld. One day they noticed people going from the fairy-tale land to the Otherworld without their help. They discovered it wasn´t magic but it was science. They say every so often the Fairly-tale world and the Otherworld collide and make portals to access each other. Sooner or later the worlds were going to collide permanently and instead of a portal they are going to have a bridge from the Otherworld. It is going to be in the middle of New York. That was all I read today. Are you writing any stories lately?
Worlds Collide | The Land Of Stories Wiki | Fandom

Pretty Poppies

W.A.L.T: Apply what we have read to teach others.
For Reading today we are to..... make an advertisement sort of thing for poppies. We have to advertise them so more people will get poppies or celebrate it more. We had to make a DLO, this is mine. Do you like my poppies? I traced them myself.

Awesome Angles

W.A.L.T: Identify the different types of angles.
For Math today we were doing geometry again. This time we had to make a DLO on ways to me remember the angles. The angles I did were acute, reflex, obtuse, right, straight and full rotation.
I also had to add pictures. Do you know anymore ways to remember the angles?

Monday 20 April 2020

Relaxing Reading

For D.E.A.R. today I read The Land of Stories Worlds Collide.
This time what I read was this.
Conner and Bree got out their plane tickets and ID's. They knew sneaking Jack, Goldilocks, Hero and Red was going to be difficult. Conner had a feeling the officer would be able to tell that Jack, Goldilocks and Red were using fake ID's. He told them to say something really random. Then Conner and Bree went through to the officer. After a few people went by Jack and Goldilocks (with Hero) went through to the officer. While Conner and Bree were waiting in the metal detector line Jack and Goldilocks came to join them. They had to make up really random stuff so the officer wouldn't get suspicous. Then Red went through to the officer, if anyone was to get caught it was Red. Surprisingly the officer let her go straight through. But he said something that made Red absolutely sceam. When Red got through to the metal detector everyone was wondering what he had said. "He said I looked great in this photo". Then once they got past the metal detector Goldilocks, Jack and Red all split up to go look at different stores. Conner took Goldilocks to a cafe and then took Jack to a sports bar, he tried explaining the sports on the tv but Jack didn't believe him. Then Bree took Red to shops, Bree found it hard to keep up with Red though since she would ru to different stores all the time. 15 mintues before that had to board they all meet together and got ready to board.
That was all I read today. What story are you reading at the moment?

Amazing Math

For Math today I am supposed to look at angles and practice them. I also had to have a google drawing explaining the angles. The angles are Obtuse, Acute, Right, Straight, Full Rotation and Reflex. My google drawing is here with what each angle is and an illustration. What do you think? Is this google drawing useful?

Instructions and Infographic

W.A.L.T: Write specific instructions
For Writing today I was to write instructions for how to brush my teeth and make an infographic to go with it. My Instructions are above the DLO. Have you ever made and instructional writing before?

Tooth Brush

1- First grab your toothbrush.
2- Place a small amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush carefully.
3- Turn on the tap and wet toothbrush and toothpaste.
4- Open your mouth and run the toothpaste all over your teeth with the toothbrush.
5- Spit out your toothpaste (don’t swallow toothpaste) into the sink.
6- keep brushing
7- Spit out the toothpaste into the sink.
8- Next rinse your toothbrush with water.
9- Wash your face.

10- Put the toothbrush away.

Dazzling Definitions

For Reading today we were to make A Digital Learning Object explaining definitions for some words related to poppies and ANZAC. My Digital Learning Object is below.

I aslo added a picture of my front door because it is covered in poppies to remind people of ANZAC.
Do you like the Poppies?

Sunday 19 April 2020


W.A.L.T: Understand the Holy Spirit through using different learning tools.
For Religious Education today we had to watch some videos and then make a DLO on what what we learnt. We had to do something like summarising. We had to write about the main points about what happened in the videos. We also had to add our own pictures. Here is my slideshow.
Do you know what Pentecost is?

Great Geometry

For Math today we are doing Geometry, we had to look at some 3D shapes and then we had to name them and put how many edges, vertices and faces they have. There was a DLO to use for this. Do you know what Vertices, Edges and faces are?

Amazing adverbs and imperative verbs

W.A.L.T: Identify and understand what an adverb and imperative verb are.
For Writing today we were to look at what adverbs and imperative verbs are. An imperative verb is a word that you put at the start of a sentence to make it a command. Adverbs are a word that end in ly. We had to make a list of imperative verbs and adverbs on a DLO, this is my DLO.
We also have to make sentences for every word we write. My sentences are beneath the DLO.
Can you name anymore adverbs or imperative verbs?

Imperative verb sentences
1- Measure how much flour you need.
2- Hold the paper.
3- Mix the eggs and milk together.
4- Whisk the eggs.
5- Slice the bread.
6- Place the candle by the window.
7- Tidy your room.
8- Wash the car.
9- Play outside.
10- Put your clothes in the washing machine.

Adverb sentences
1- Carefully move the vase.
2- Stir vigorously and add milk.
3- Gently pour the milk.
4- Finish your homework completely.
5- Stir until the mixture gradually becomes thick.
6- Safely let it cook.
7- Slowly back out of the driveway.
8- Place that down nicely.
9- Interestingly he plays the piano.
10- Unfortunately he feel over.


For D.E.A.R. today I read The Land of Stories Worlds Collide, by Chris Colfer. The part I read was about this boy Archie and a girl Alex who meet in each others dream, and Alex was cursed by a witch. So Archie wants to save his friend. On the next page it is chapter 5. This chapter was about Alex's brother Conner. He is trying to get to New York with, Red, Goldilocks, Hero (Goldilocks son), Jack and Bree. They had to use other peoples ID's (people that they know) so they could board the plane.Also they brang swords and axes with them.They had to go to the airport and since some of them were fairy tale characters so they had never been to and airport and it was very overwhelming.

What you enjoyed and why?
I enjoyed how they had to use other peoples IDs so they could board the plane and how they brang a sword and an axe. I liked it because it was funny how they tried to do that.

What do you think will happen next?
I think that when they reach New York they will get split up and then meet again later on in the story.
The Land of Stories: Worlds Collide Audiobook by Chris Colfer ...
What book are you reading at the moment?

Anzac Poppies

For Reading today we are learning about Anzac Day. There are 2 groups and I got the first slideshow, Why Poppies. It is about Poppies. I was to include 6 facts about poppies from a text. What other facts do you know about poppies?

Thursday 16 April 2020


For D.E.A.R. we were to read a book, I read Big Nate on epic.
What you enjoyed and why?
I enjoyed how they were playing baseball and they were told that the new team name is going to be cupcakes.
What do you think will happen next?
I think people will make fun of their new name.
What book are you reading at the moment?


For Writing today we were to write instructions for How To Make Cereal. We also had to make an infographic. My Infographic is down the bottom and my instructions are beneath m question. Do you have any instructions on how to do something?

What will you need:
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Cereal (your choice)
  • milk

Step One
First grab your bowl and put it on your surface

Step two
Grab your cereal an open the box

Step three
Carefully pour cereal in a bowl up to half way.

Step four
Grab milk and undo the lid

Step five
Pour a little bit of milk into the bowl with the cereal.

Step six

Next put your spoon inside the bowl with the tail sticking out


For Math today we were to look at Geometry, we were given a slideshow to fill out. We are to look at the shapes sides, angles and stuff like that, this is my slideshow. Do you know what geometry is?                                                                                        

Religious Education

For R.E. we are to make pictures for 12 things God was described as in scriptures from the old testament her is my google drawing, we had to make the pictures ourselves. Do you like my pictures?

Wednesday 15 April 2020


For math we were to look at 2D and 3D shapes and then go find the shapes in our house. My google drawing has the shapes and what I found which was similar.
What 2D and 3D shapes can you find in your house?


For Reading today we had to spend 15 minutes reading a book, either a physical book or an online one. I went on Epic an online book website. I read National Geographic Kids Ultimate Weird but True. It was a book about facts about inventions, bugs/animals and other things. Here is a picture.
I had facts like There are enough Carbon Atoms in the human body to make about 9,000 pencils or Starlight colours the universe beige-white. Astronomers call it Cosmic latte.


For Writing we are to make instructions on how to make a bed. We also had to make a picture version. My instructions are below the picture version. Do you like the colour bed I chose? Can you read the picture version alright?

-decorative pillows (optional)

  1. Put bottom sheet on bed, smooth it out
  2. Put the top sheet on and tuck it in.
  3. Put duvet cover on and flatten out wrinkles
  4. Put pillowcases on your pillows
  5. Add pillows to bed tidy
  6. Add decorative pillows (optional)
  7. Sleep


This is my summary for slide 2&3 on dolphins and an explanation on what mammal means.
Can you read the text? And is my summary clear?

Tuesday 14 April 2020


For Religious Education today we are supposed to pick a scripture from a list. I chose Psalm 23. There was a question which was `What was God described as in the scripture. This google drawing underneath this paragraph has the scripture, how God was described in the scripture and a picture that we have to make. Do you like my picture?


For writing we are to create instructions for things at our house. Below this little paragraph there is my instructions. What things would you create instructions for?

W.A.L.T identify different types of instructions

Using your house and your prior knowledge make a list of different instructions that you use. Make sure you don’t repeat them.
One instruction is one point. 

How many points can you get? 

  1. Making a sandwich
  2. Making a cup of tea

How to make a sandwich 
What you will need:
Two slices of bread 
Your favourite spread
Butter knife
Margarine/butter (optional)

Step 1 
Put your plate down onto your surface, grab your 2 slices of bread and lay them down on the plate. 

Step 2 
Grab the butter/margarine (optional) and remove the lid. Now with your butter knife you are to stick the sharp end into the jar and scoop out a little bit of butter/margarine (optional). Once you have it on the end of your knife you are to spread it onto one of the faces or both sides it is up to you.

Step 3 
With your 2 slices of bread on the plate you are ready to add your spread. I chose Peanut Butter. You open the peanut butter jar and take the sharp end of the knife and stick it into the jar of peanut butter. And scoop some of the peanut butter out of the jar. You are now to spread the peanut butter on the face side/s of bread. I normally spread it on both slices of my bread for more taste.

Step 4
Grab both of your slices and the side that has the peanut butter and margarine/butter and put them together.

Step 5
Cut the sandwich in half with the Butter knife if that is whaat you would like.

Step 6

How to make a cup of tea
Jug (with water)
Tea Bag

Step 1 
Grab your cup and put it on your surface. Turn the jug on, and place your tea bag in the cup. Make sure you hold the string and place the end with the leaves in first.

Step 2
Once the jug has finished boiling grab the jugs handle and pour the water in. Fill the cup up to about just before the top.
Step 3
Grab your milk and take the cap off and pour a little bit of milk in. Then with your spoon mix.

Step 4 
Drink your tea

Caution: Tea is hot, maybe cool it down a bit before drinking you tea!!!!!!

Year 5 Camp

For Math we had to book a camp for the Year 5's I chose Camp Twinkl Wilderness. I was more expensive then Camp Twinkl Lake but Camp Wilderness had better quality, the activities were more fun and there were cabins instead of tents. Even though the year 5's aren't really going to Camp Wilderness it as fun to do. There were questions at the bottom which are in my slideshow.
With this piece of work we had a couple things to keep in mind. There was a $70 budget per person, there had to be 4 activities and Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Below is my slideshow.
Do you like the activities I chose?


For Reading today we are to read about dolphins. Then we are to create a google drawing which has to include 8 facts about dolphins. My google drawing is below, my contains a fact about Bottlenose dolphins and the rest are mainly just dolphins in general.
Do you know any facts about dolphins?

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Celebrating diversity

For this activity on the Summer Learning Journey we are to pick 2 indigenous communities and find 2 facts about both of the groups. I chose: The Maya people and Australian Aboriginal people.
My facts on both communities.
Australian Aboriginal people:
1- Aboriginal Australians could be the oldest population of humans living outside of Africa, where one theory says they migrated from in boats 70,000 years ago.
2- Australians first people - known as aboriginal Australians - have lived on the continent for over 50,000 years.
The Maya people:
1- More than 6 million Maya people currently live in Mesoamerica.
2- By the time the Spanish arrived to their land most of the Mayan people had already left.


For the Summer Learning Journey, one of the activities is to pick one of seven Whakatauki´s. I chose:
Te manu e kai ana i te miro, nona te ngahere; te manu e kai ana i te matauranga nona te ao.
In English it means:
The bird who partakes of the miro berry owns the forest; the bird who partakes of education owns the world.
Part of this activity is to create a poster on the Whakatauki, it had to involve a picture or a drawing and the Whakatuaki.
Do you like my poster?