Thursday 26 December 2019

National Treasure

If you read the title and are wondering what is a "National Treasure" is, I will tell you.
A National Treasure is someone or something that is important to a country.
For this activity we have to make a list of three things that are important to us.
For me the things that are important to me, aren't necessarily a thing like an item, more of living things.
My  List
My family, (my dog included)


What would you put on your own list?

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Changing my name

If I changed my name I do not know what I would change it too.
I like my name and have no clue what I would change it too anyway.
What would you change your too?
Do you want to change your name or keep yours the same?

Serena and Venus Williams

The two sisters both play tennis professionally, here are three facts about Serena and Venus.
Serena Williams ranks 1st in female tennis.
All together Serena ranks fifty-one behind 5 male tennis players.
Serena made $84M less then Roger Federer.

Venus ranks 5th out of female tennis.
In 2005, Venus won Wimbledon in what was the longest women's final in History.

Do you know one more fact about Venus Williams? 

A interview with Steven Adams

I have chosen for the Summer Learning Journey to interview Steven Adams. Not literally but if I had to interview a basketball player, Steven Adams.
Here are five questions I would ask Steven Adams.

How old were you went you first started playing basketball?

Do you miss living in New Zealand?

Why do you want play basketball in America instead of New Zealand?

If you did not play basketball, what other sport would you play?

When you were a kid was playing basketball professionally your dream job?

What basketball player would you pick? Why?
What questions would you ask him/her?

Superhero for a week

If I could be a Superhero for a week the 3 powers I would want are half reality and half imaginative.
Number one: Read peoples mind
It would be awesome you could read everything in the mind of someone, but imagine if you were on the other end. Someone else reading your mind, you would have no privacy.
Number two: The ability to read a text or book really fast
It might sound boring but you could get your homework done lightning speed. Once you have read the text for homework you can do other fun things.
Number Three: For the last one I do not really know.
What 3 powers would you want? why/why not?

When I was Brave

I was brave when I dived of the high diving board at Jellie Park.
In the end it was so much fun I did it again and again. I also did the smaller one, but I found the bigger one more fun.
When were you brave?

I, Neil Armstrong

Hi, I am Neil Armstrong and here is a poem about when I was the first to step foot on the Moon.
It is about what I was feeling.

Outrageously awesome

A sight that no one can replace

*even more nauseous than before
*Imagine, because you could not imagine anything prettier

Earhart & Batten

Amelia Earhart and Jane Batten are a little similar, they are both female Aviators.
As well they have both flown really long adventures.
Here is a Venn diagram on them.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Where my family comes from

Where my family comes from

       My Mothers Mother                                  My Mothers Father
       Christchurch, New Zealand                   Argentina/America

        My Fathers Mother                              My Fathers Father
        Greymouth, New Zealand                   Greymouth, New Zealand

         My Mother                                               My Father
        Christchurch, New Zealand                     Greymouth, New Zealand

Thursday 19 December 2019

My Ocean Voyage

If I was to go on an Ocean Voyage and could only take 10 items of food, I would take:
- can of beans
- muesli bar
- cookies
- fruit (sort of fruit that does not have to be kept in a fridge)
- Vegetables (ones that do not have to be kept in fridge)
- canned food
- bread
- spreads (marmite, peanut butter, jam, honey that sort of thing)
- chips
- cheese
what items would you bring?

Summary on Tropical Storm

Tropical storm summary

Tropical storms are called cyclones or Typhoons. Depending on where you live in the world.

When a cyclone strikes, buildings are flattened and trees get ripped out of the ground.
Cyclones form over warm Tropical oceans.
The surface temperature of the water must be at least 26.c before a cyclone can begin.
The cyclone consists of high-speed winds blowing in a circular fashion around a low-pressure centre.
This ring of low pressure is called the eye of the storm.

Cyclones generally move in a path resembling the curve of a parabola and in same direction as
the prevailing winds. The winds circulate in a clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere. 

Cyclone Tracy struck Darwin on Christmas day 1974. It was the most destructive cyclone in
Australia ́s history.

SPCA Charity Work

The SPCA is a Charity helping the animals in New Zealand. Animals that have been abused, abandoned, injured on sick. The SPCA helps 40,000 different animals every year. The SPCA is a wonderful Charity to help the sick or hurt animals find better homes and a new start in life.

Tuesday 10 December 2019


For the Summer Learning Journey Teaser week we had to create similes.
A simile uses like or as to make a comparison, An example: The ball streaked across the field like a meteor.

First simile
Usain Bolt is as fast as a cheetah.

Second simile
A giraffe is as tall as the Eiffel tower.

Third Simile
The pencil was as sharp as an arrow

fourth simile
The monkey was as loud as a siren

Do you have any other similes?

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Donald Trump and the wall

If Donald Trump asked me for opinion on the wall I would kind of disagree, I do not really see the purpose and if someone wants to cross the border, they should be able to cross the border.
Here is a little information about the wall and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump the president of the United States built a wall between Mexico and the U.S.A.
Donald Trump was elected as America ́s President in 2016, and promised he would put the wall
between U.S.A and Mexico.
Donald Trump wanted people to stop crossing the American-Mexican border.
Earlier this year a caravan came through the South and Central America on its way to the
American-Mexican border. The people were heading to America to find jobs and better life.

Some people strongly agreed others strongly disagreed about the wall.
Do you agree or disagree?

Teaser wk Lorde

For the Summer Learning Journey since it is not the summer Holidays, we did a teaser which is sort of like a practice one. The first activity was to make a DLO on Lorde this is my DLO.
Do you like it?

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Passion project

We had to a passion project, if you are wondering what that is it is a, this project where we have to create a google slide on something we enjoy. I did surfing it is so much fun and I love here is a google slide on my Passion Project subject surfing.

What subject would you do?

Sunday 24 November 2019

Saving Sand dunes

Today we did a programme on our Sand dunes, and how they form, how they get destroyed.

They taught us that there is 3 main things that destroy sand dunes over time,
1) People
2) Wind
3) water/ocean

Did you know how the sand gets to the beach well here is the way it works.
So part of the mountains break off and breaks down and ends up in the river which ends up in the ocean and then it blows onto the beach.

Sand dunes also help with Tsunami´s or stormy waves because when huge waves come, the sand dunes help hold off the waves.

On the sand dunes there are 4 main plants that grow and help the sand stay together.
1. Pingao
2. Spinifex
3. Ice plant
4. Marram

The man that taught us about sand dunes told us a story, from about 15 years ago, and it is true. Here it is: Once there was an elderly couple that had a house across from some sand dunes, they phoned the council and complained about how they could not see the ocean. People agreed with the couple so the council got a digger to take a scoop out of the sand dunes. The two sides of the remaining sand dunes started blowing through the middle, unfortunately the sand started flying into the couples roof, and eventually the roof became to heavy with all the sand and so it collapsed. The couple were not hurt, but after the roof fell there was about 2 tons of sand in the roof.
There is a lesson in that story, do not mess with nature.

Carousel imageCarousel image
Do you like my groups sand dune?

Thursday 21 November 2019


WALT: Work together to problem solve.
For S.T.E.M. we had to make sort of like an obstacle course for a marble. We had to make it out of toilet paper tubes, scissors and tape. In our group we had a planning sheet, to plan for our structure.
We were not so good as working like a team, we argued a few times.
Next time we need to work on working together better.
This is our marble obstacle course.
Do you think our one worked?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

How to do written form

I have a video for you to watch on how to do written form also known as standard form.
Hope you enjoy, tell me in the comments if I taught you anything.

Summary on Earthquakes

Summary on earthquakes

In this article summarising an article, I am going to tell you about earthquakes, making a long story short. 

Earthquakes can be very deadly. That is because of the result of strain
built up in rocks due to earth movements.

The earth is made up of several different layers, One layer is the crust.
Which is the outer layer. The crust is made from solid rock, beneath which lies the mantle of magna,
a layer of molten rock. 

Scientists can predict when earthquakes are going to strike.
Seismologists use special equipment to measure the intensity of the shock waves and to monitor
(active)  fault lines. The size and force is measured on the Richter scale.

A large earthquake measures five or more on the scale, but small tremors measures only two or three.

Fact one:
According to Ancient Hindu mythology, the earth was held up by huge elephants.
The Hindus believed that earthquakes occured when one of the elephants became tired and shook
their heads.

Fact two: Tsunamis, or giant waves, form near the coast following an Earthquake under the sea.
A earthquake under the sea. A tsunami can be high as 50 metres and travel
at speeds of up to 750 km/hr an hour. In June 1896, a tsunami hit the Japanese island of Honshu,
drowning 26000 people.

Volcano summary

For reading I had to do a summary on Volcanoes.
Here is my summary,
A volcano eruption is one scary situation. When a volcano erupts molten lava and ash come out of the volcanoes top, sort of like the volcano is angry.
People who live at the base of a volcano often do not have enough time to escape and, when a volcano eruption occurs many people die.
Volcanoes form where a crack or opening occurs in the Earths crust. Inside the volcano is literally a huge pipe that goes down the middle, which leads to Magna. Through the crack, magna mixed with gases and ash pushes up from the earth.
When Lava cools it turns into black hard rock, sort of like coal.
6 out of 10 volcanoes in the world are situated around the pacific ocean. Because there are so many volcanoes in the area, the arc that they form has been named the ¨Pacific Ring of fire¨. Most of the volcanoes are still active, so people need to be careful when sailing near.
The word Volcano comes from the island ¨Vulcan¨ of the coast of Italy. Romans considered it to be the place where Vulcan, the god of fire, made his weapons. The ancient Greeks thought that Hephgaestus, their god of fire, lived beneath Mt Etna, in Sicily. As Hephaestus beat the iron to forge his weapons.

Hope you enjoyed my summary, post a comment on your feedback.

Dog for a Day!

For reading we were to pick an activity to do after reading the book.
I chose the what animal would you want to be for a day.
I love dogs so much, so as you might guess from that and the title you would think I would want to be a dog for a day. Here are some reasons on why I would want to be a dog for a day.
no.1 They are so cute and playful, they get some much attention.
no.2 Have you seen there little faces, don´t you just want to hug their adorable little faces.
no.3 Dog don´t have to go to school, they get to sleep and play whenever.
What animal would you be?

Kmart, wishing tree

Our school New Brighton Catholic are collecting presents for the Kmart, wishing tree.
Kmart collect all the gifts for all the ages, not just kids, adults, baby´s, kids, teens, tween´s.
Please bring in gifts for the less fortunate, so they also have an awesome Christmas.
Kmart provide a form on a Christmas tree with the questions, what gender is the gift for, what age is the gift for, and what the gift is.
So please bring a present to your local Kmart, the gift has to be in perfect condition and if you can wrapped.

Thursday 31 October 2019

Saint Francis Of Assisi

For religious education we had to pick a Saint, and research them and put all the information onto a google drawing. I decided to do Saint Francis Of Assisi, which you probably already knew because Saint Francis Of Assisi is my title. I found information like where he was born and died, what miracles he performed, and 4 facts about Saint Francis.

Here is my google drawing, do you know anymore information about St Francis?

Saturday 5 October 2019


The last week of turn our teacher wanted it to be fun so we did a few really cool kahoots.
Some of you might not know what a kahoot is, it is a app sort of thing and you put questions onto it then someone who goes to play the game clicks one of the buttons and the button the person who created clicked to say it was the right answer well that means that is the right answer.
So we did a kahoot we even did a 60 something one about spelling.
It was so much fun.
Did you all ready know what a kahoot was?

Pyjamas in the pool

On the last day of term 3 we got to swim in our pjś it was really fun, we had been doing survival swimming and going in a boat but do not forget about regular swimming such as freestyle, backstroke, breast stroke, and the caterpillar.
We had heaps of fun it was so cool, it is always the favourite part out of the two weeks.

Have you ever worn pyjamas in the pool?

Thursday 3 October 2019

Rugby World Cup Scoring

Here is a list of all the games that have or have not been played and with the scoring for the ones that have been played. I made this so if you want you can keep score, or the ones that have not been played yet so the times for you.

How many games have you watched?

Japan vs Russia                                    Japan:30 Russia:10
Australia vs Fiji                                     Australia:39 Fiji:21
France vs Argentina                           France:23 Argentina:21
New Zealand vs South Africa              New Zealand:23 South Africa:13
Italy vs Namibia                                    Italy:47 Namibia:22
Ireland vs Scotland                               Ireland:27 Scotland:3
England vs Tonga                                  England:35 Tonga:3
Wales vs Georgia                                  Wales:43 Georgia:14
Russia vs Samoa                                 Russia:9 Samoa:34
Fiji vs Uruguay                                     Fiji:27 Uruguay:30
Italy vs Canada                                      Italy:48 Canada:7
England vs USA                                     England:45 USA:7
Argentina vs Tonga                                   Argentina:28 Tonga:12
Japan vs Ireland                                        Japan:19 Ireland:12
South Africa vs Namibia                           South Africa:57 Namibia:3
Georgia vs Uruguay                                Georgia:33 Uruguay:7
Australia vs Wales                                    Australia:25 Wales:29
Scotland vs Samoa                                   Scotland:34 Samoa:0
France vs USA                                          France:33 USA:9
New Zealand vs Canada                           NZ:63 Canada:0
Georgia vs Fiji                                            Georgia:10 Fiji:45
Ireland vs Russia                                        Ireland:35 Russia:0
South Africa vs Italy                                  :Today(4/10/2019) 10:45pm
Australia vs Uruguay                                 :Tomorrow (5/10/2019) 6:15pm
England vs Argentina                                 :Tomorrow (5/10/2019) 9:00pm
Japan vs Samoa                                        :Sunday (6/10/2019) 11:30pm
New Zealand vs Namibia                           :Sunday (6/10/2019) 5:45pm
France vs Tonga                                         :Sunday (6/10/2019) 8:45pm
South Africa vs Canada                              :Tuesday (8/10/2019) 11:15pm
Argentina vs USA                                       :Wednesday (9/10/2019) 5:45pm
Scotland vs Russia                                     :Wednesday (9/10/2019) 8:15pm
Wales vs Fiji                                                :Wednesday (9/10/2019) 10:45pm
Australia vs Georgia                                   :Friday (11/10/2019) 11:15pm
New Zealand vs Italy                                  :Saturday (12/10/2019) 5:45pm
England vs France                                     :Saturday (12/10/2019) 9:15pm
Ireland vs Samoa                                       :Saturday (12/10/2019) 11:45pm
Namibia vs Canada                                   :Sunday (13/10/2019) 4:15pm
USA vs Tonga                                            :Sunday (13/10/2019) 6:45pm
Wales vs Uruguay                                     :Sunday (13/10/2019) 9:15pm

Japan vs Scotland                                     :Sunday (13/10/2019) 11:45pm

Rugby World Cup Pools

I did a google drawing of the Pools for the Rugby World Cup.

Do you think I did a good job?

Climate Change

You may not know this but our world is changing this is because of Climate Change.
Us humans are the ones that caused it, we created plastic and we dumped it everywhere.
Everything we do impacts our world and changes the way of our worlds cycle.
Since the earth is becoming warmer in the winter and summer some of our natural forests are turning into kebabs. The forests are burning up and every new fire becomes every less tree in our world.
We need to change the way we treat our earth because eventually at this rate we won´t have a world.
We need to watch where we step because if we stand on the wrong thing our Carbon Footprint.

Every time we don´t put our rubbish in the bin it might accidentally blow away and it might blow into a drain and then out to sea, plastic is not so fantastic.

Monday 30 September 2019

Rugby World Cup

Some of you may know that this year is the Rugby world Cup, If you did not know but the trophy they win if they win the cup is actually called the Web Ellis cup because he invented it by taking a ball and running with it. Since it is the Rugby World Cup we all got to pick a country and answer some questions about that country, I chose Canada because the colours are nice I like the Maple Leaf and because everyone would probably chose either New Zealand or maybe Australia, GO New Zealand If you don't know but New Zealand won against South Africa. Here is a slideshow on Canada.

Have you watched any Rugby World Cup games? 
I know I have not.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Amazing Aqua Man

We had to write a blog post on what super power we would like to have if we could.
I decided that I would want to have the same powers as Aqua Man.
-Aqua Man can breathe underwater
-hold his eyes open underwater
-control the sea
that would be awesome and you will also have a cool Trident.

Do you reacon my power is cool?
What super power would you want to have?

Hutton's Shearwater

The Huttons Shearwater bird is very Native to New Zealand and special to Kaikoura and to seawater Kaikoura Ranges. They nest high in the mountains and are the only Native bird in New Zealand that nests in the mountains. They arrive in late spring and wait for the snow to melt and show their burrow.
They spend summer in Kaikoura and in winter they fly to Australia, This type of bird is nearly exstinct it only has 2 colonies left, 2. In November of 2016, they suffered a further blow when a magnitude 7.8 earthquake badly affected their habitat in the mountains, destroying around 15% of their nesting area and possibly killing an estimated 200,000 individuals.
These birds are very important to are country we don't want to lose these natural birds to predators and earthquakes do we.

Do you think I picked a good bird to do my work on?

Friday 27 September 2019

Bumbling Bumble bees

Bumble Bees, They are very important to our world if they go exstinct the world would start dying off and we would be left with no actual living plants and then no honey.
We have to be really careful now days because every little thing we do to the environment counts, the more polluted our world becomes the more bumble bees we are destroying.

The word Bumblebee is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word bumble means:
It means sort of us humans mumbling but if you listen to a bumblebee you can here it make a noise sort of like a bumble noise.

Bumblebees can reach ground speeds of 54 kilometres per hour.

 Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do _____

times as much work as a normal honeybee.

Do you know how much more times does a bumblebee work as a normal honey bee?

My Graph

If have done a graph here of many very hot places but these places get into the 70's that must be really hot. These places are not from New Zealand these places are to hot for New Zealand.
Here is my bar Graph.
What is the hottest temperature you have had?

Safety Sun Screen

It is very important to be careful when in the sun because if you spend to much time in the sun you could get skin cancer.
Here are some ways on how not to get skin cancer.
1. make sure to apply sun screen regularly when in the sun.
2. wear a hat so you do not get a burnt face.
3. if you feel like you are getting sun burnt of feel hot go under some shade.
4.If you were a shirt or a rashie (swimming suit) there will be a slightly less chance of sun burn.
5.The last one is optional sunglasses, sunglasses protect your eyes from the harmful sun.

Make sure to be sun smart, do you have any other ways to prevent skin cancer?

exciting New Zealand

This Holidays the teacher gave us homework to do (optional). This time we had to write what we think the best time of the year is to visit New Zealand. I reacon that the best time to visit New Zealand is in the Summer, because hot weather, sunny skies, and more cool atractions to go and do.
If you do think about visiting New Zealand her are 3 things you could do while you are here:
-You could go to the Shy tower and have dinner or high tea.
-You could go to snow Planet or Rainbow end.
-Last but not least you could go to Te Papa.

If you were a tourist thinking about going on holiday would you consider coming to New Zealand?

Thursday 26 September 2019

Swimming at Q.E.2.

For the past 2 weeks our whole school have been going to Q.E.2. for swimming lessons.
We have learnt how to do different strokes, such as freestyle, back stroke, survival back stroke as well as many other styles. The worst part was probably when I had to make sure not to touch the ground for 3 minutes and we had to keep ourselves up in the same spot, but the best part was when I jumped into the pool and Tallulah had to throw this thing at me and I had to hold on as she pulled me to the edge of the pool. The Hardest thing is breast stroke I could not quite get my legs to do it and push me through the water.

What do you think the hardest stroke is?

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Me, Mary

We did a recount for R.E. this week. We had to put ourselves in Mary's shoes.
We had to re-tell the story of Mary and her being told by Gabriel that she was going to have a child and him Jesus, and her cousin was going to have a child in 3 months.
Here is my story,

Me, Mary
I woke up this morning all flushed and blotchy eyed. I went down the stairs and made myself a glass of original brewed coffee (by the one and only me).
The house was a bomb site, I grabbed out the cleaning solution then the vacuum cleaner and many other cleaning products.

I was doing all the house chores while Joseph was out “working”  (having a coffee with a mate.) I started chopping up dinner, we were having soup “carrots in the pot, carrots in the pot, high how the Mary oh carrots in the pot. I went outside to fetch some kiwifruit, Brrrr…….  Christchurch is cold this time of year better get my sweater and change out of my jandals.
I walked back into my modern cottage at the edge of a stream, my sweater was grey with an old band called “five50” written in permanent marker. I put on my crocs, crocs sound like the would be cold but mine had a fur line. I scuttled for the door as I walked out, the big heavy metal door brung me to the ground I stumbled and fell “aaaarrgggggggggghhhhhhhh…………     MY BACK” I popped my back out. I walked it off though, I went walking into the garden to fetch some of my famous kiwifruits, my kiwifruits are rather fresh this time of year.
I hunched over and waddled to the kitchen and started singing “kiwifruit and carrots in the pot, kiwifruit and carrots in the pot, high how the Mary oh kiwifruit and carrots in the pot.
Joseph came back and I made him make the cheese dipping sauce for the onions. Once done we sat down on red rocking chairs with vintage pillows. Then I realised I had a cramp in my stomach, “Joseph, Joseph go grab the medicine!” 

The next day I was wandering down to the stream, I sat by the side of the stream, the water flow looked like dancing dolphins. I stared at the eels and watched the fish do freestyle. As I watched the water I saw a figure above me through the reflection, I turned slowly. “Um Hi there, Do I know you?”  “Ahh no Mary I am a new fellow around here, but I have a message for you, God my leader wants you to give birth to a child and name it Jesus!, and your cousin Elizabeth will have a child in 3 months time.” Then I had another cramp but then I realised “I’M PREGNANT!!!”.

Joseph was astonished he started pacing around the room, I stood in shock. Next minute I heard Gus McDonald pull up in his delivery cart. I rushed to open the door before he knocked, “hey Gus, have anything for me?” yes actually a whole lot” He showed me the load, Joseph had been shopping. Gus was rather chubby and he was always eating fries and burgers.
Joseph turned to me and shrugged, I started opening the cheque even though Jesus was going to be God’s child Joseph was going to treat him like his own.
First things first Joseph you spent 300 dollars on a baby products!

We were both in shock.

Do you like my story?

Playing pixels

We did Cybersmart today with our teacher Miss Holland. She got pixel images and started them off we finished them now it looks like this.
The one on the right is the image and the one on the left is mine.

Do you like my Charmander?

Thursday 19 September 2019

Instructional sandwich

This week we have been writing instructional writing, we are writing on how to make a sandwich.
I did a peanut butter sandwich. I was the first person to do it.
Miss Holland made mine, I was so nervous that my sandwich would fail.
In the end my sandwich was a hit, I even got to eat my sandwich it was free.
It was not the best but it was average.
If you made a sandwich what spread would you put in the sandwich?

The Map Makers Race

This term the Moreporks we have done a chapter book, we read a few pages and then answer questions and do tasks.
The task for this week was to create a new book cover for the book.
I put the author on the cover and a picture from one of the  pages of the book.
Here is a quick blurb of the story.
So the Santanders go to Grand Prospect and they get on the train but their Mum doesn't get there in time. They go on without her they make a friends along the way and they make enemies.
They have 28 days to make a horse track and a train track so far they have spilt ink, lost their food.

I hope you like my map.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Interesting Interland

For Cybersmart this week we have been on a site called Interland and it is about being smart and safe on the internet. There are 4 different lands/worlds that you can choose to play, I picked the red one.
Some levels are about passwords others are about bullying and sharing.
Here are some pictures of the red world.
Have you ever played Interland before?

Thursday 12 September 2019

manners 2.0

This time these manners are not what we say but what we do physically.
Such as opening the door for someone, chewing with your mouth closed, being quiet at a public place, waiting patiently, Etc.
I did a slideshow and every slide had a different manner we can do and how we can do them.

Did you like my slideshow? What other manners do you know that you can do?

Wednesday 11 September 2019

energetic emotions

For inquiry we have been learning about emotions. We did a DLO I chose a slide show, we did a slide for different emotions. We wrote about what makes us do these emotions and how we can control these emotions.

I hope you enjoy my slideshow.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

marvellous manners

W.A.L.T.  Being Respectful by using manners in what we say.
Our virtue for this week at our school is Respectful so we did a DLO on manners. I did a slide show I hope you enjoy it.
For now I will tell you a little bit about manners, Manners are something we do and say.
Waving, opening a door, these are examples of things you do physically, saying excuse me, sorry, your welcome, pardon are examples of things we say to show manners.
Manners are things that keep the world together, people would not be able to work side by side if there were no manners. I need to work on the manner excuse me because I always interrupt adults.

What manner do you have to work on?

Monday 9 September 2019

A tale of Abraham and Sarah

So for R.E. we did a DLO on Abraham and Sarah her is a quick re-tell of their story.
Abram and Sarai were 75 years old, they both wanted kids but they thought they were to old, God told Abram and Sarai go to Canaan and if they go there God would give them kids.
They were unsure but then they decided that they would follow Gods call.
When they got there God said I will give you kids as many as the stars.
Years and Years passed but still no children Abram asked God "God we have followed your commands but where are our kids". "Abram in a year you will have kids"
Abram told Sarai but she just laughed "hahahaahhahah"
Then on Abrams 99 birthday Sarai got pregnant when she gave birth God told them to name it Isaac which means laughter. Then God gave Abram and Sarai new names Sarah and Abraham.
Abraham died at the age of 125 but are you wondering where are the millions of kids God promised, well Isaac had kids and his kids had kids and so on and so on one of the kids was Jesus so Abraham is connected to Abraham and Sarah.

Please look at my slide show answering heaps of questions.
Do you have any questions? If you have any questions please ask me in the comments.

Logo challenge

This year a whole bunch of schools in our cluster are competing to create a logo for our cluster.
Our cluster is called Te Ara Tuhura that means the path to discovery so I did a heart with a magnifying glass, because the heart I am not so sure but the magnifying glass is for the "path to discovery".

Do you like my logo?

Wednesday 4 September 2019

My calendar art

W.A.L.T identify kiwiana symbols

At our school we have been doing Calendar art, our art is about Kiwiana if you do not know what Kiwiana is it is things that relate to New Zealand. I put a pavlova, a fern with the words All Blacks, a kiwi, and Jandels. Sadly my art ripped but luckily it is not that bad. We added colour and we can order calendars to keep.

Do you like my art work?
(be honest)

The old Orphanage

For our narrative writing I choose to write a story on an old Orphanage.
It is about a girl named Lily and her best friend Katie, the story involves twists and adventure, emotions and drama.
Read my story and give me feedback down in the comments.
Do you like to Write storys? if you do write in the comments.
Have you ever written a story on an Orphanage?

One cold and frosty evening, Lily laid and waited at the chipped second floor window at the old Orphanage. Mumbling to herself saying one day she would find her long lost parents.
Lily was very sneaky she would always discover information behind Bootswagens back.
She tried over and over again to find out more information but living in an orphanage was hard, all the time she would wonder about them.

One bitter cold night, Lily laid in the bed of the old closets (rooms) imaging what her parents actually looked like. She sat up and decided to whisper to Katie (her best friend)  ̈ ̈Katie do you ever wonder about what your parents look like?̈ questioned Lily, looking for an answer.
Katie looked unsure like someone told her that ice cream isn't healthy. (which it isn ́t) even though Katie had an unsure expression on her face she replied with ̈ I always thought that my parents were somewhat different¨ She shuddered before drifting back to sleep.

Lily always thought that her parents had glossy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that stream out like bubbly rivers. But that was just a fantasy for lily, nothing but imagination.
So far all she knows is that her parents took one look at her and said ̈ ewww…. Gross give her back ̈ and then left her on the orphanage steps.  But that was coming from the old bot of a lady Ms Bootswagen.

Deep down she knows her parents love her with all their heart. Katie was helping her figure out her true parents and how to escape this broken down orphanage.Ms Bootswagen came thumping through the corridor banging on the doors yelling ̈Quiet you noisy brats ̈ Katie and Lily ducked the remainder the covers pretending to be asleep right before Bootswagen arrived.

The next morning, a lady wearing a very formal outfit demanded that Katie was to be handed over. Her crippling voice shaking the hallway, Ms Bootswagen didn ́t hesitate she threw Katie's clothes into a black rubbish bag that had a giant rip in it. Lily was shocked but Bootswagen just grabbed by the wrist and crammed her tiny body into the mustard yellow cab.

Lily ran to the window and looked at Katie, through the glare Katie stared back, tears silently rolled down Lilyś pale face. She watched as the cab drove off into the distance, never to be seen again.What was she going to do? Well luckily she has heaps of plans, But right now she couldn't do any of her work, so devastated. She crawled into a ball tears dripping like a broken tape, her flood of tear puddling beneath her.

A whole week later a very nice couple came and picked Lily up to take her in. At the couples house there was a tiny room with a tiny closet and a bunk bed.She pulled all the notes out and slammed it on the table then she found a piece of paper she was never seen before.
It was the address and the names of her parents she assumed, Agatha and Danny.
She found out that they live in London.

Later that night she jumped out of the window and fell in a bush ran through the park and jumped on a carriage that took her all the way to London.
Lily was nervous she scrambled to find the paper, luckily it was still there brutally crinkled paper with faint ink sploshes.

Once at the dock where the carriage stopped for some reason.Lily slipped of like she was a snake slithering for prey. She ducked onto this little dingy on the edge of the water and hung out there till no one was above. She ran to the streets of London and saw a sign that said bread for a dollar, but being alone at an orphanage you never got pocket money.
Even though Lily was poor when she was at the orphanage she would always steal food and cash from Bootswagen. Since being a mini thief, off went lily pick pocketing money.
After a we bit she managed to scrape up enough money to buy her a loaf of bread and a can of soda. She pulled the dotted paper out of her blue crusted jacket pocket.
The paper had the address for 19c Worthingham Crescent.

Lily ran through the streets of London until she stumbled across a newspaper stand.
They had hung a giant map, she scanned the wrinkled paper they call map.
She found where Worthingham Crescent on the map, she snatched a mini map.
It did not take her long to find Worthingham because it was a block over.
Down the street she found 20a, that was not it she kept running then she found 19c.
She knocked on the door, a lady opened it.

Lily decided to ask “Are you my Mum?” “Are you Agatha?” asked Lily anxiously.
The lady was shocked and just laughed, and laughed, but an evil laugh.
Then Lily felt someone shaking her then………..
It was all a blur Lily woke up and wiped the sweat off her head and there was her Mum.
Pheww….. Just a dream .
The End.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Places and Spaces

In our class we have been making a google drawing for places where we can pray.
"For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them." Matthew 18:20,
this means whenever you pray God is with you, in you, and through you.
The places and Spaces where you pray worship God, worshipping God means to honor them and adore them by looking up to them (literally).
You can pray anywhere but her is some examples, beach, church, school, during Math, before bed,
on your way to school, dinner, lunch, breakfast, and brunch.
Scroll down to have a look at my google drawing.

Do you like to Pray?
Tell me in the comments and tell me where you like to pray?

Friday 5 July 2019

Taco tastic


Today I am going to teach you how to make tacos.

-2 teaspoons olive oil
-1 onion, chopped
-1 red capsicum, finely chopped
-500g lean beef mince
-Old El Paso Taco spice mix
-1/2 punnet cherry tomatoes, chopped
-1 Avocado, chopped
-mixed lettuce 
-1 cup grated tasty cheese
-Old El Paso Taco sauce for topping
(things optional)

Step 1:
Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion and capsicum and cook until soft.
Add beef and cook for 5 minutes or until browned.
Sprinkle over spice mix and add 3/4 cup water.
Cook for 5 minutes or until sauce thickens.
Combine tomato and avocado to create a fresh salsa.

Step 2:
Heat taco shells:Preheat oven to 160c (140c fan forced.)
Remove taco shells from plastic. 
Keep heatproof wedge inside shells to remain shape.
Fan tacos slightly apart on tray and heat for 4-5 minutes.
Do not heat in microwave.

Step 3: 
Build your own tacos
With lettuce, beef, tomato and avocado salsa, cheese and taco sauce topping.

When you build your tacos the toppings are optional.